Dec 28, 2013
Let it go
It's probably best that everything just passed through me. Not letting anything sink in anymore. Not going to feel it anymore. Just let it pass right through. Nothing has to affect me anymore if I don't let it. Nothing really has to break my heart or make my head churn anymore. Just gotta let it pass on through.
Dec 16, 2013
One of the things that this new experience at university has taught me is to not be afraid of anything novel. After being in a new country, which regardless of being so close to the US still has many different customs, I have this new hunger to travel and work. I have these plans for the next three or four years and I'm just ridiculously excited for what's in store. Even though I love what I'm studying and I have a burning passion for Psychology, I can't picture myself studying for three or four years straight. So yes, a gap year is something that I'm definitely contemplating. And after that producer messaged me looking to create an album, I decided that music is a part of me and that I can't just ignore it regardless of being a full time student. After getting into music this semester, I really would like to dedicate myself completely to music for a semester or two. So yes, that is a potential idea for a gap year. It would be a different yet good experience for me I think. It's nice and inspiring to be constantly surrounded by people who love music. My RA matched the "music kids" into two floors. Walking onto my floor and hearing guitars and singers…it's definitely grown on me. But what I truly want to thank them for is giving me the confidence this semester to actually explore what I really love. I had a hard semester. There were a lot of things going on, things that I didn't lead a lot of people on about. In fact, the past five months have just been really rough. Sometimes I listen to people on the radio and TV say that music "saved their lives." I always thought that was a little melodramatic. And maybe music hasn't literally saved my life, but it has definitely become what I displace all my energy into. And this energy includes all the bad energy and despair that I had to deal with this semester. I know that it's going to get a lot harder next semester but the only thing that has got me coming back is the fact that I now have something to rely on; something that I know will make me completely happy all the time. For a while there, I lost my way. I didn't know what I wanted and I didn't know what my priorities were. But after I got back into music and I moved to Canada, I realized that there is more to the world--more to me--than I had even anticipated. Sometimes it's easy to believe that you can't move past the things that you think define you. But it's possible. It's possible to gather enough strength to break free from the things that may confine you. It's okay to reach out to something new. So, this next semester is to escaping what confines me. It's to not letting specific things define me. This next semester is not about relying on others or other things; it's about relying on me.
"Say something, I'm giving up on you"
Feels like this song is speaking my mind.
Couldn't find a song that depicts my thoughts right now better.
Dec 13, 2013
Leaving in 5 Days
Who would've known that it would be scarier to go back…That I feel safer here and that all that keeps me stable is just not there. I get to go home and see the most important people in my life. Too excited for that. But who would've known that I feel better here.
Dec 5, 2013
Let the Finals Begin
So, it's been a good three months and a half…ish of McGill. And finally, all the work that I've put in these last months is going into these next 12 days. They're going to be so stressful and so hard but I am just going to do the best I can. Hopefully, they'll go on. In 12 days, I'll be home. I'll get to see my friends, my boyfriend, my family. It'll be so amazing. I'll get to see New York City again. I'll miss my room here, my friends, my family here. But one of the exciting parts about going back home is the fact that I won't have to worry about any work or having a short amount of time (although it still kind of is). I'll just get to concentrate on having a great time. TOO PUMPED.
Dec 4, 2013
Dec 2, 2013
The Offer
So, two days ago I got a message from a music producer who was offering to produce an album for me. It meant guaranteed original songs, a guaranteed band to back up my vocals, a professional recording studio, and connections. He was not just any producer; he had networking and I knew that If I were to take a chance with him, that something huge could happen. I was ecstatic at first and then it hit me that if I truly and really wanted to, my entire world could change in the blink of an eye. I was actually filled with hope that I could pursue my dream if I wanted to. For two nights straight, I went to sleep dreaming about a new life in which I didn't have to worry about school work, just one in which I could record for a living. The producer's studio is in Burbank, California--a suburb right outside LA. Suddenly, I was picturing myself taking a gap semester or year, just living in a small studio in LA, waking up and falling asleep to music. I'm a year ahead in college and if I truly wanted to, I could go to LA and come back in time to graduate with all my friends. I could've gotten the life I wanted. I had it all planned out for two days.
And then, things got more complicated.
And then, things got more complicated.
Dec 1, 2013
Feel-Good Acoustic Pop
The past week or two has consisted of me putting together a compilation of songs to record. After creating a list, I realized that they all have a common genre. And, this was a great revelation to me. I finally know the genre that I would like to pursue in music: Feel-Good Acoustic Pop.
Nov 30, 2013
"Bubbly" Music Video (Colbie Caillat Cover) by Paola Andrea and Ben Onaindia
Been waiting for this to come out for so long
So proud of Natalia Ramirez--you did an amazing job
Nov 29, 2013
Nov 27, 2013
Nov 26, 2013
Just so that I remember to read this myth again in the future
Myth of Demeter of Persephone
In the complex myth of Demeter and
Persephone, there is a theme present: the relationship between life and death.
Persephone causes despair for Demeter, her mother, after Hades takes her
forcefully into the underworld to be his wife. This myth creates juxtaposition:
the life (fertility) that comes out of the death of her childhood and
relationship with her mother (losing her virginity).
In Greek culture,
when a girl becomes married and thus, loses her virginity, a metaphorical death
occurs. This is the death of childhood. A main purpose of marriage in Greek
culture is to keep the family line alive. In ancient times, childbirth often
meant death. Therefore, along with the death of childhood or the “plucking” of
the flower, marriage meant literal death. In this sense, life is usually a
product of death.
Persephone, as portrayed in this myth, is
connected to the cycles of earth. While Persephone is in the underworld,
Demeter, as “ripener of bountiful harvests” (5) denies the blooming of seeds
and crops—this is the phase of winter. Upon Persephone returning to the world
of immortals, crops are once again restored to the mortals—she is thus the
bringer of spring. Because of this cycle, it can be easily interpreted that not
only is Persephone a representation of Greek women but she is also a
representation of the life cycle. When coming back to earth, it is as if she a
symbol of birth. When returning to Hades’ lair as his wife, she is mimicking
the phase of death. The fact that Persephone’s heart is “warmed at the message”
(336) that Hades tells Persephone demonstrates that Greeks perhaps do not view
death as the worst of things.
Demeter herself is a symbol of Greek beliefs. Greeks often had to accept that
death was a common thing, especially amongst women who had to bear children.
Demeter’s compliance to Persephone living in the underworld for one third of
the year is in itself a reflection of the way that Greeks had to come to terms
with death. Death is part of the life cycle and Demeter’s progression of
acceptance of her daughter’s metaphorical death represents this.
Demeter and
Persephone’s myth is a perplexing myth that touches on the relationship between
girls and mothers in ancient Greece, the life cycle and the acceptance of
death. Therefore, this myth clearly depicts the relationship between life and
Nov 25, 2013
Nov 21, 2013
Nov 20, 2013
Nov 18, 2013
Nov 17, 2013
Last night was amazing
Video coming out soon
SO proud of my friend Ben. He actually outdid himself. Came to the recording studio with me, played the guitar. Made something more out of the song that I could've never imagined or anticipated. I really didn't want to do a karaoke version and he actually made it ten times better. Great musician, great friend. Loving my time here.
SO proud of my friend Ben. He actually outdid himself. Came to the recording studio with me, played the guitar. Made something more out of the song that I could've never imagined or anticipated. I really didn't want to do a karaoke version and he actually made it ten times better. Great musician, great friend. Loving my time here.
Nov 14, 2013
Oliver Window Holmes
"Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out."
Darkroom Vs. Recording Studio
So, around three or four years ago, I would've said that one of my favorite places to be in would be a darkroom. I wrote a post a while back about how much I loved it; you literally get to watch something transform itself in the most magical way. However, if you were to ask me today what my favorite place is it would have to be a recording studio. Usually, I'm pretty shy about performing or just singing in front of people. Sure, I'll mess around and sing casually around my friends and family but it'll never be to my highest potential. In the studio, I don't feel restricted at all. And now, in two days, I get to go with one of my really good friends and record.
What's so great about a recording studio? I don't know....I guess I feel comfortable in my own skin there. Performing for the acappella groups killed my passion for singing for a while but maybe it's because I'm not ready to sing for other people yet...I just need to sing for myself.
What's so great about a recording studio? I don't know....I guess I feel comfortable in my own skin there. Performing for the acappella groups killed my passion for singing for a while but maybe it's because I'm not ready to sing for other people yet...I just need to sing for myself.
Nov 13, 2013
Nov 12, 2013
Nov 4, 2013
Nov 3, 2013
4 Years With This Blog
So, today marks the official date of my fourth year with this blog. On November 3rd, 2009, I opened it up. Really, it was just an attempt of getting my just-out-of-pre-teen thoughts out. I don't really know what I really saw this blog becoming but all I know is that it is one of the things that has remained constant and one of the things that I can look back and feel good about. I literally have written about every impacting person in my life in this blog, whether they are are still in it or not. I've recorded my photography phase in this blog, my poetry phase, my philosophical phase and many more. I've written about heart aches as well as the happiest moments of my lives. It is written proof of the hardest phase of my adolescence as well as the recovery phase of it. I've posted about songs, movies and places that I've fallen in love with.
But most of all, I can look back at these four years and see an honest version of myself. I'll be able to look at this blog and see everything that made me passionate and hateful. I'll be able to read a post and truly flashback to the moments when I wrote them. And although blogs are a common thing for people to have, I feel as though my blog is a unique part of me. Over the years, I've grown more and more attached to it and this is seen through the increasing amount of posts over the years. I hope that this trend will keep going regardless of the busy times that I know I will encounter in the next few years. Regardless of what this blog turns into--whether I drop it or not in the future, I know that I had a great four years with it and that is really all that matters to me.
To four more years.
Nov 2, 2013
So, one of the things that I realized in these past couple of weeks is that responsibility isn't particularly about doing things all by yourself. Responsibility shouldn't have to correlate with independence at all. Actually, responsibility is accepting that sometimes you do need help and you do need support. I've decided that from here on out, all my choices will have to come down to ultimatums. I really don't know if I have room to wait around for things to change. I need to make these changes myself and stick to my decisions. Responsibility is truly just sacrificing some things in turns of others; others that will in the long run (hopefully) make huge impactful influences on your life.
Nov 1, 2013
Oct 31, 2013
My Amazing Roommate
Oct 30, 2013
Demeter and Persephone
I begin to sing of rich-haired Demeter, awful goddess -- of her and her trim-ankled daughter whom Aidoneus [Hades] rapt away, given to him by all-seeing Zeus the loud-thunderer. Apart from Demeter, lady of the golden sword and glorious fruits, she was playing with the deep-bosomed daughters of Oceanus and gathering flowers over a soft meadow, roses and crocuses and beautiful violets, irises also and hyacinths and the narcissus which Earth made to grow at the will of Zeus and to please the Host of Many [Hades], to be a snare for the bloom-like girl -- a marvellous, radiant flower. It was a thing of awe whether for deathless gods or mortal men to see: from its root grew a hundred blooms and it smelled most sweetly, so that all wide heaven above and the whole earth and the sea's salt swell laughed for joy. And the girl was amazed and reached out with both hands to take the lovely toy; but the wide-pathed earth yawned there in the plain of Nysa, and the lord, Host of Many, with his immortal horses sprang out upon her -- the Son of Cronos, he who has many names.
My favorite myth so far.
My favorite myth so far.
Oct 22, 2013
Oct 20, 2013
So much
I can't even begin to count how many things are running through my mind. I just want to go back home and not worry about anything for a few days. I really don't feel like I can escape any of these thoughts on my own.
Oct 18, 2013
Work Load
How do I put this...
I've never been so frustrated in my whole entire life. I honestly don't even know where to begin anymore. Piles on piles on piles of work. No matter how hard you work here, it really all comes down to whether you tested well. You can cram your head with information but if you the shit you didn't study is on the test, you are so fucked it is ridiculous. Having such a hard time adjusting to the work load...
How do I even tell my parents this shit...
I've never been so frustrated in my whole entire life. I honestly don't even know where to begin anymore. Piles on piles on piles of work. No matter how hard you work here, it really all comes down to whether you tested well. You can cram your head with information but if you the shit you didn't study is on the test, you are so fucked it is ridiculous. Having such a hard time adjusting to the work load...
How do I even tell my parents this shit...
Oct 15, 2013
Avril Lavigne - Let Me Go ft. Chad Kroeger
Avril Lavigne is BACKKKK
and once again, in love with a song that has a guy and girl singing together
Oct 14, 2013
One of the most amazing days of my life
And I can't even share it with one of the most important people in my life.
Oct 8, 2013
Oct 7, 2013
Oct 6, 2013
Philippe by Luca Repola
So fucking proud of this kid. He is really going places.
So fucking proud of this kid. He is really going places.
Oct 4, 2013
Thinkin Bout You (Acoustic/Beatbox Cover) - Tori Kelly & Angie Girl
To this day I'm still mind blown by this
Oct 3, 2013
Lorde's New Album
I am absolutely in love with her!!!!! I didn't know she was 16 too which actually really blows my mind. She's a mix of Ellie Goulding and Lana Del Rey. I actually really love her album. Buzzcut Season, White Teeth Teens, Tennis Court ....
Sep 30, 2013
I want good food! Like now.....
So sick of cafeteria food and overpriced places...............................
So sick of cafeteria food and overpriced places...............................
Sep 29, 2013
Will Heard & Cara Delevingne - 'Sonnentanz' (Sun Don't Shine) Lyrics
"Through all the space and time, your love is mine. But the sun don't shine, without you
When I saw you rise the other day, I felt my worries just seemed to melt away into you"
Sep 28, 2013
The First
So today was one of the hardest days since I've been here. After an unsuccessful phone call, some drama on the friends front, and a day full of wondering if I'd ever get my work done, I just looked down at my textbook and straight broke down. College is SOOOOO much work. Such a wake up call. I'm not going to lie though, thank you to a very special someone (I love you so much), I felt much better. After getting a kind of get-your-shit-together pep talk from him, I actually felt like I could get through the day and get my shit done.
Nothing is going to be easy from now on. I mean, all odds are against me right now. I'm in a university with 25,000 undergraduates. That means competition. I'm 3000(ish) miles away from you. That means distance and patience. But at the end of the day, I guess it really means just learning to be in the right state of mind. I gotta know that there will more days like this. Probably going to be hit by even worse days. It just means investing a lot of time in the things I love and need to work for. And it means knowing when I need to come up for fresh air. It's all about balance. I really need to get into the habit.
So yeah,
today was hard.
First of many.
More to come.
Oh well.
Move on.
Sep 26, 2013
Sep 24, 2013
Sep 17, 2013
Sep 16, 2013
I don't really know what nightmares are all about. I actually am planning on taking a class next year on what sleep deprivation and dreams/nightmares are all about because I've been ridiculously curious. I had the worst night last night. I tossed and turned for hours and had nightmares for what seemed like hours on hours. I did go to bed really upset last night but what amazes me is that my entire day had been the completely opposite. How is it possible that something so simple and so minute in comparison to the rest of the day could completely take over the mind and as a result, the night? I actually can't wait to explore dreams in a class next year because it is actually mind blowing to me that your own mind can completely turn against you like that.
Sep 15, 2013
Sep 13, 2013
Sep 11, 2013
Sep 8, 2013
Why Psychology
"This field can help you understand your motives, your personality, and even why you remember some things and forget others."
"This field can help you understand your motives, your personality, and even why you remember some things and forget others."
Trust your intuition. More than anything, trust that gut feeling. I keep writing about intuition in my blog but lately I just feel like I've been such a coward. I don't trust my intuition. I just play it by ear and let all this shit happen. I should be able to be brave and actually trust what my mind and even my body is telling me.
Sep 5, 2013
Sep 3, 2013
Sep 2, 2013
The first week
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"This picture completely captures who we are"-Gaby |
Okay so I've been at McGill for like a week and two days. Apart from Valentina, I came to McGill not knowing Liza, Anna and Gaby. I didn't know if I'd be able to find people that I'd feel comfortable with for a long time. I thought it would take forever. Yet, I've been chilling with these girls every single day since I got here basically and it feels amazing to know that I have girls that I already feel close to here, that I can talk to about anything and who I respect so much. It's nice going to a school where everyone has a incredible balance. I can go out with all of you and have so many laughs and so much fun and then there are moments when we're able to talk about school and our past lives with such maturity and seriousness. It actually makes these friendships feel so much more real. The one thing that I hated about FROSH was that everyone seemed to be really forced into being nice and crazy and although I'm sure there were a bunch of lovely people, it honestly just came off as being fake. It was hard to actually have fun with people that you didn't feel comfortable with. Yet, somehow the five of us always found each other at some point in the day and enjoyed the events in one way or another and that was what made FROSH a lot more memorable. The last night was by far my best night, probably because I was in the company of you guys and that made it all the better. To a great 3-4 years, girls.
Sep 1, 2013
Aug 31, 2013
Aug 28, 2013
All about the mindset
I'm so happy at McGill University, I can't even begin to explain. I really feel like I found a place where I can be social and independent at the same time. It feels good to be able to be at a place where I feel so comfortable. Having a great fucking time.
Aug 23, 2013
Aug 20, 2013
To be or not to be
You never know what to do in these situations. There is absolutely no way to go about these situations. There is no way to feel about these situations. There's nothing to like about these situations. There are so many things that you have to take into account for and regardless of what you want, what you need is more forceful. And sometimes, I can picture everything perfectly. I can see how easy it can be and I forgot about all the bad things. All that has happened can't just remain in the past, can it? It needs to remain's so hard to just store everything away. How can I just store it all away?
Aug 18, 2013
Aug 16, 2013
I honestly can't get this one thing out of my head. I know it's going to haunt me for a long time. Feeling so guilty and so terrible holy shit....
Aug 8, 2013
So it's 15 days until college now. I have two weeks now. Two weeks in this city, two weeks with my friends, two weeks with my boyfriend, two weeks to essentially make everything count. I don't really know what to do in these last two weeks. I guess, like Luca said yesterday, "make the best of it." From now on, everything is going to be very real. Nothing is going to be easy anymore. Everything will be about independency. And although independency looks very appealing right now, I've gotten a little taste of that in the last two weeks and all I have to say is that it is a struggle. I'm excited though. I get to be around new people, not that I don't adore the people I'm around now. But it is always a very exciting thing to know that you'll be able to share memories and every lesson you've learned in the past 18 years with people who don't know you at all.
Aug 7, 2013
Aug 6, 2013
Youth - Daughter
So I posted this a long time ago but it actually suits this day so perfectly. Today is a fucking good day. And I can say that because everything feels like it's changing and I feel like I haven't had this in way too long. I got a babysitting job. Got my errands and chores done. Seeing my best friend. Listening to great music. Everything is actually back to normal. So much opportunity ahead and I can finally see it all more clearly now. I will never forget a conversation that I had yesterday. It actually hit me like a brick wall. So grateful for everyone around me; I am surrounded by some fucking great people.
- Shiraz Biran
- Anya Urcuyo
- Lauren Gurland
- Matteo Cangiano
- Marco Mosca
Thanks for getting me through shit even when you don't realize you're doing it. <3>3>
So my piano is officially out of my house. Currently, it's sitting in my uncle's apartment. It has stickers on the middle C and its surrounding keys. The twins are learning to play while Abdiel and Israel watch. I'm going to miss that piano but out of everyone, I am so happy that this family got my piano because I know that they'll put the instrument to good use and fall in love with it like I did. And I guess that at this point, actually...specifically today, I'm starting to accept all these changes.
Aug 4, 2013
Aug 2, 2013
Jul 30, 2013
Baby Clothes
So I was packing up my house today, and my mom and I came across a huge bag of my baby clothes. I don't have a phone anymore so I wasn't able to take any pictures of them but honestly, it was very hard to believe that I was ever that small. The weird part was looking at the pieces of clothing and actually having flashbacks of them. I could remember times and moments when I wore and loved certain pieces of clothes. The mind though...
Jul 25, 2013
Jul 19, 2013
My Dream
My dream to this day is to hop on some sort of transportation and just get lost. My friend Marco was talking to us about how one of his favorite parts of his trip was when he was in Budapest and him and his friends decided to go to the countryside of it and just walk. They ended up getting lost and to him, exploring that part of the city without the stress of a destination was undeniably worth it. I've always wanted to get stranded in some little town with great music and great people. Even if it's just for one day, I'd really want to feel as though I don't have the pressure of the city's expectations and rapid atmosphere. One of my friends from Brown was telling me about how in her town (Trumbull, Connecticut), she gets to go to little concerts and shops and small stages every single weekend to watch low-key, rising bands. I want to do that so badly! I definitely need to get out of the city soon.
Things to do with Shiraz Before She Leaves
- Boating in Central Park
- Broadway Musical
- Brooklyn Bridge Park (with our cameras)
- Biking around the city
- Highline
- Museum of Sex
- Life in Color Dayglow Concert
- Splish Splash Waterpark
- Color-me-mine
Jul 16, 2013
Jul 14, 2013
An Ocean Away
What I've discovered over these past (almost) 9 months is that it doesn't take two separate people to make a whole. You need two whole people who are willing to share their worlds with each other to make it work. I don't think I've ever missed anyone so much but like you said...this is the hardest yet easiest thing I've ever had to do.
So, I finally just turned 18. And, for my 18th birthday, I really wanted to do something just for me. Lately, my parents and I have been arguing about what I want to pursue as a career. I would literally settle for any major they wanted. But one thing that I really want to pursue, regardless of it being simply a minor, is music. I've thought of this time and time again. People will try and strip me of my passions and my dreams as I get older. Many people will find ways to try and convince me out of the things I love. There is always a negative side to everything. One thing that I was told once was "El no siempre esta ahi, lo que tu buscas es el si." That, translated in english, is "The 'no's' are always there, what you're looking for is the 'yes'". I have to always remember to stay fueled on my love for music until one day I have all the courage in the world to take it head on. In the meantime, I have to accept that people will disapprove of my choices and thoughts. Well, that's what comes with being young, I guess.
So, I will never let anybody try to tell me differently about music. Whether it remains a hobby or I decide to take a leap with it when I'm older is up to me. Regardless of what I do, it will always be the one thing that has stayed constant with me all these years. Therefore, I wanted to have a reminder of what it meant to me and I went for it and got a tattoo of precisely that...
So, I will never let anybody try to tell me differently about music. Whether it remains a hobby or I decide to take a leap with it when I'm older is up to me. Regardless of what I do, it will always be the one thing that has stayed constant with me all these years. Therefore, I wanted to have a reminder of what it meant to me and I went for it and got a tattoo of precisely that...
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Hasta el fin, musica Siempre canto Forever Music |
Jul 3, 2013
Free your mind
And whenever someone asks me what the legendary part of my high school years was, I'll tell them about these moments right here and right now. Because everything that I've worked for, all the happiness I've strived towards is finally right here, right in front of me. And I'm absolutely loving it. The key? Freeing your mind.
Jun 18, 2013
List of Countries I want to Visit
Turks and Caicos
South Africa
Hope I get to see at least half of these throughout my life.
This post is more of a journal entry than I can just document this trip :)
Anyways, what I DO believe is worthy writing about in this blog is the two and a half week trip that I am currently in the middle of. Lauren, Shiraz, Valentina, Anya and I decided to take a different route than most of our friends who are on Euro Trips. Instead, we decided to go on a Carib trip; specifically, Puerto Rico and Santo Domingo. We arrived June 10th to San Juan and situated ourselves at the apartment that we rented for 6 days. I can't even believe to describe the convenience and amazing-ness of this apartment. A two bedroom, two bathroom, dining room and kitchen apartment, we honestly couldn't have done better. And, just half a block away was the beach! The first two nights were kind of slow though in terms of nightlife because it was a monday and a tuesday. This was kind of difficult for us to cope with because we are so used to NYC constant nightlife. Instead, we decided to go to the beach at night or go to local bars (Colombo, Waiters). When Thursday hit, we finally got to go to Brava, the local nightclub and it was amazing. We made friends, danced a shit load, had some drinks...basically a lot of fun :)
When we went to the island of Vieques, the pace of the trip altered by a lot. We were faced with limited space and nightlife. However, we got to do activities such as snorkeling, jetskiing, kayaking etc. One day, as Lauren and I were snorkeling, we wandered over by the rocks to observe the plants on them. However, the current swept over us and we were washed over the rocks. When that happened, Lauren got stung by a lionfish. At first, it didn't seem as serious but after about half an hour, we were taking a cab to the emergency center/clinic. It was a scary but an incredibly useful situation in terms of learning how to live alone. The second day at Vieques was possibly the most memorable. At night, we went on the bio bay tour that Vieques is famous for. In this particular bay, there are small plankton creatures called dinoflagellates. These planktons light up in reaction to any movement. So, as the sun set, the glow would grow stronger. If you literally just dragged your hand through the water, your hand would glow. As it got later in the night, you could see fish glowing as they swam by our kayaks. Each wave that crashed, would brighten up. Valentina and I jumped in the water and as we swam, we would light up.
Today were off to Culebra, La Isla Chiquita. Culebra has one of the best beaches in the world called "Flamenco Beach" which I'm actually so excited for.
May 23, 2013
May 13, 2013
May 10, 2013
I think that the one thing that I can't do by myself, and that I can't do on command is heal. A lot of people can just turn that switch on and be like, "Okay, I'm going to feel fine today and nothing will get in the way of that." But my heart feels like it's made of steel and sometimes I'm so stubborn to move on from something, that it blocks everything that could give me the power to get strength. It's a vulnerability, that's for sure. I wish I could just heal.
May 6, 2013
So, today is officially the day when my house got its first offer. Literally, maybe an hour ago, a couple came here in the same exact position that my parents were in 16 years ago; they are about to have a baby and are looking for a quiet, comfortable home where to raise their child in. My room will be the baby's. There will be a cradle and a changing board. The wooden board near the ceiling of my room that currently holds some of my stuffed animals will soon be carrying the weight of that baby's stuffed animals. This home is where I grew up in. I've lived here since I was two years old. This situation is kind of bittersweet because it means that I have to grow up now and really face the fact that I will now be living in a new home, in a new place, with new people around me. But I can't help but wonder if any other place will really feel like this one.
I'll miss the hammock.
The window that connects the kitchen to the living room so I can smell my mom's cooking.
The wooden tiles that my father stuck on one by one all by himself.
The inappropriate paintings on my walls.
The sound of my dog slipping and sliding on the floor.
The view of the Empire State Building that I get to look out at.
The sounds of the fire trucks as they exit 29th street and roll down 3rd avenue.
I'll miss everything.
Goodbye to one chapter of my life and hello to another.
I'll miss the hammock.
The window that connects the kitchen to the living room so I can smell my mom's cooking.
The wooden tiles that my father stuck on one by one all by himself.
The inappropriate paintings on my walls.
The sound of my dog slipping and sliding on the floor.
The view of the Empire State Building that I get to look out at.
The sounds of the fire trucks as they exit 29th street and roll down 3rd avenue.
I'll miss everything.
Goodbye to one chapter of my life and hello to another.
When I Was Your Man- Bruno Mars (Katie Stevens and Michael Castro Cover)
I actually fell in love with this cover.
May 2, 2013
I'm not exactly the girliest of girls. But there is one thing that makes me feel like a girly girl and that is the amount of happiness and excitement I get out of receiving flowers.
Thank you, you've been making my month :)
Thank you, you've been making my month :)
Apr 29, 2013
Apr 25, 2013
Apr 17, 2013
"Do You"-Kiseok Kim
So, a long time ago, Kiseok asked me to write him a peer evaluation. And I remember that the main concept I used for the evaluation was the line that he always uses: Do you. Sometimes I completely forget about. Sometimes I get so caught up in small details and co-dependency that I start to forget about what I'm doing for myself. I don't mean that in a selfish way. I mean that sometimes I just start kind of losing track of myself and who I'm becoming because I'm so focused on one goal. And lately, I've realized that I've actually become so absorbed in certain things. It's actually just time to wake up and do me and stop depending so much on certain things in my life.
Apr 15, 2013
Can't Sleep
I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep.
It won't get out of my head.
Literally just thoughts and thoughts running through my mind.
So exhausted and and yet, my brain keeps running.
Anguish is going to take over my existence.
Already know I'm going to be writing in this blog so much more than usual until I know how to cope.
Fuuuuuuuccck, I can't sleep.
It won't get out of my head.
Literally just thoughts and thoughts running through my mind.
So exhausted and and yet, my brain keeps running.
Anguish is going to take over my existence.
Already know I'm going to be writing in this blog so much more than usual until I know how to cope.
Fuuuuuuuccck, I can't sleep.
The thing about time running out is that it intensifies everything. Literally, every walk down the street, every text message, every smile, every minute seems like its going to be one of the last ones. And even worse, every fiber of you is sensitive...all the time...because you've already prepared yourself for the worst but you've forgotten to prepare yourself for what's in between. The torture of waiting is pretty much worse than the actual thing.
So now that I've decided to go to McGill University, people have moved on from asking me "Where are you going to college?" Instead, they are asking me: "What are you planning on studying?" And every single time, I answer: "I have no idea." Generally, people just look at me with a seriously dubious and scolding look, probably thinking that I'm just a completely misguided and naïve child. It is so difficult nowadays to honestly know what you want to do as a living. Every single day, there are new careers being made. As our population increases, so does the amount of opportunities for general survival. Therefore, do I know what I'm going to do at all? Not at all and I seem to be the only one perfectly okay with that. I think that has a lot to do with the program that I've been integrated in for the past two years: the International Baccalaureate They basically make you take classes in every field. And every single course has its challenges in one way or another. Considering I really love challenges, it's safe to say that I've learned to love each and everyone classes no matter how much I bitch and groan about how tiring and difficult they are. Literature has introduced texts to me that I never thought I'd encounter such as Equus by Peter Shaffer or Perfume by Patrick Süskind. Spanish has allowed me to actually get in touch with people that are from my culture. My spanish teacher alone is probably the most influential teacher that I've ever had. Psychology was probably my most arduous class and yet, I probably appreciate that class the most for it opened me up to a class unlike any others. Needless to say, biology and philosophy are by far the classes that I hate the most just because they posed the most obstacles in my 11th grade and 12th grade years. And yet, I don't think I'll ever look back on these years of my high school experience and say that I learned nothing in those classes. In fact, biology and philosophy have caused me to look at life entirely different. The entire unit of evolution in biology made me rethink every single aspect of living around me. And that is what biology is all about...studying life. And philosophy...I don't even need to elaborate how that has influenced me. An entire semester of ethics was absolute hell for me but I'll never be able to stand quiet in a debate on ethics. Nietzsche has thankfully done that for me.
One of the questions that one of my peers asked me to reflect on was along the lines of the following: What has UNIS done for you? What will you taking away from this high school experience.
UNIS, you have left me completely open-minded. I am not confused about what I will do in the future. I am so undecided, it's ridiculous. And I am so proud of that. I will never feel empty or upset with what I'll be doing in the years to come because UNIS has taught me to embrace everything around me. I am so excited for the next years. I am now always looking forward. That's what you have done. Thank you, UNIS.
Apr 1, 2013
Mar 30, 2013
I love living by myself. I really do. It's just a lot of peace to be able to hear your own thoughts. Even though it was like one day and one night, I actually just had an amazing 24 hours. Everything changes when you're living alone. Every piece of your home suddenly seems so much more precious. Because even if it's for 24 hours, you're in charge of it all. And everything in that home is yours. I don't know. It might be stressful, but I love that responsibility.
Mar 20, 2013
I am so head over heels for you.
Because of the bunny you gave me.
Because of our pong games.
Because you can completely engulf me in your hugs.
Because of breakfast for dinner.
You've got me wanting to write about you in this blog all the time. isndkekwnsnej
Because of the bunny you gave me.
Because of our pong games.
Because you can completely engulf me in your hugs.
Because of breakfast for dinner.
You've got me wanting to write about you in this blog all the time. isndkekwnsnej
Mar 17, 2013
I think that sometimes I need to be stronger in terms of like what I want out of my decisions and what I don't. A giant problem that I have is my pushiness and sometimes if something isn't meant to happen, then it just won't happen. And sometimes, as I have just realized, that pushiness is just a sign of insecurity.
Mar 13, 2013
I don't ask much of people.
But I really do look for is consistency.
If people could stick to one personality, that would be nice.
If people could stick to their promises, that would be nice too.
But I really do look for is consistency.
If people could stick to one personality, that would be nice.
If people could stick to their promises, that would be nice too.
Mar 10, 2013
"When I think of all the books still left for me to read, I am certain of further happiness." -Jules Renard
Last week, I got into my top college. A lot of people don't really know it's my top college because I don't want to jinx it and tell people that I'm going before I actually hear back from the rest of my colleges. I never know, I might go to an entirely different one. But the one thing that I do know is that just the act of getting in has instilled all this hope inside of me. The thrill of the future and imagining a whole new life has been the only thing on my mind these past days. I know it's crazy but I actually managed to do my homework even if I procrastinated a lot and I am looking for a new studio to record at...I'm just working, I guess. For a while there, I was really lost. I just needed an accomplishment; literally, anything. And thank god this happened last week because I don't think I could've gone one more day in the rut that I was in. Anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm ready to start hoping again and I'm ready to start preparing for all the big changes that are going to be coming my way pretty soon.
The future has actually managed to inspire my present.
Mar 6, 2013
Mar 5, 2013
Steve Angello
Is there anything you miss from when you were doing more scratch and break stuff or just growing your Stockholm parties?
You know what I miss? I miss normal. I remember just being excited to go and play at a regular club. And you're thinking "this is my night," and there may only be 250 or 300 people there. And there was no pressure. I kind of miss that it used to be playful. You could be creative, nobody judged you. Today, it's all judgment. You're never a prophet in your own city, but at the same time, when you grow up and become big, everyone says you're doing well.
You know what I miss? I miss normal. I remember just being excited to go and play at a regular club. And you're thinking "this is my night," and there may only be 250 or 300 people there. And there was no pressure. I kind of miss that it used to be playful. You could be creative, nobody judged you. Today, it's all judgment. You're never a prophet in your own city, but at the same time, when you grow up and become big, everyone says you're doing well.
But the second you get big, they tell you that you suck. I'm a firm believer in being positive and promoting what you love instead of dissing what you don't like. I said I'm a big Coldplay fan, and I told someone that and they said, "Yeah but they're so commercial now." Who cares? They still write great records -- the melodies are fantastic, the lyrics are great. It's the same with anything. Lady Gaga was really cool until she had her first No. 1 and now everyone thinks she's weird. I just miss the whole playful thing. And that's why I use a lot of aliases when I produce, because I can take the Steve Angello hat off and just play.
Swedish House Mafia Concert
So, last night I went to the Swedish House Mafia Concert with four friends: The Last Tour. When I was watching them, what I couldn't stop thinking about was the following: How can you be so great at something and want to let it go? I mean, honestly. They gave a great show. The saddest part is that they were incredibly into it and passionate about it. How can they be so willing to accept that this is one of their final shows? I don't really know what the reason is behind them breaking up or taking a hiatus is but I do know so I guess my opinion is a little bit naive. But what I do know is that if I had that talent and I had that much love for something then I would just not let it go. I've never been at a concert where I was on my feet the entire night willingly. Don't get me wrong, there were moments when I felt like I was going to collapse but to be frank, they really kept the energy going and they really made me want to stay up dancing. I really think that if they weren't so passionate about what they were doing up there, then people wouldn't have been on their feet the entire night.
The second thing that I kept thinking about is how much I want to be a part of the music world. I tend to deny it a lot but the other day, when I was talking about it with someone, I said something that I'd pretty much never really fully admitted to myself: It's what I want to do for the rest of my life. It's what I want to do for a living. It's an almost impossible dream but I really do want to do music for a living. If I had the right resources and the right connections and perhaps the right amount of confidence in myself then maybe I would but right now I guess I just don't. All I know is that the best I can do for now is continue admiring people who do what they do because they love it like Swedish House Mafia.
Great money spent. Great night.
The second thing that I kept thinking about is how much I want to be a part of the music world. I tend to deny it a lot but the other day, when I was talking about it with someone, I said something that I'd pretty much never really fully admitted to myself: It's what I want to do for the rest of my life. It's what I want to do for a living. It's an almost impossible dream but I really do want to do music for a living. If I had the right resources and the right connections and perhaps the right amount of confidence in myself then maybe I would but right now I guess I just don't. All I know is that the best I can do for now is continue admiring people who do what they do because they love it like Swedish House Mafia.
Great money spent. Great night.
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