Jun 18, 2013


This post is more of a journal entry than anything...so I can just document this trip :) 

So I haven't really been writing in this lately. The last month has been such a blur, it's actually ridiculous. Ever since it hit me that I had very little time left with my friends, I just zoned out. Everything became about having fun and doing things I don't normally do. And one of the the things that I sacrificed for that sake was spending time writing in this blog.

Anyways, what I DO believe is worthy writing about in this blog is the two and a half week trip that I am currently in the middle of. Lauren, Shiraz, Valentina, Anya and I decided to take a different route than most of our friends who are on Euro Trips. Instead, we decided to go on a Carib trip; specifically, Puerto Rico and Santo Domingo. We arrived June 10th to San Juan and situated ourselves at the apartment that we rented for 6 days. I can't even believe to describe the convenience and amazing-ness of this apartment. A two bedroom, two bathroom, dining room and kitchen apartment, we honestly couldn't have done better. And, just half a block away was the beach! The first two nights were kind of slow though in terms of nightlife because it was a monday and a tuesday. This was kind of difficult for us to cope with because we are so used to NYC constant nightlife. Instead, we decided to go to the beach at night or go to local bars (Colombo, Waiters). When Thursday hit, we finally got to go to Brava, the local nightclub and it was amazing. We made friends, danced a shit load, had some drinks...basically a lot of fun :) 
When we went to the island of Vieques, the pace of the trip altered by a lot. We were faced with limited space and nightlife. However, we got to do activities such as snorkeling, jetskiing, kayaking etc. One day, as Lauren and I were snorkeling, we wandered over by the rocks to observe the plants on them. However, the current swept over us and we were washed over the rocks. When that happened, Lauren got stung by a lionfish. At first, it didn't seem as serious but after about half an hour, we were taking a cab to the emergency center/clinic. It was a scary but an incredibly useful situation in terms of learning how to live alone. The second day at Vieques was possibly the most memorable. At night, we went on the bio bay tour that Vieques is famous for. In this particular bay, there are small plankton creatures called dinoflagellates. These planktons light up in reaction to any movement. So, as the sun set, the glow would grow stronger. If you literally just dragged your hand through the water, your hand would glow. As it got later in the night, you could see fish glowing as they swam by our kayaks. Each wave that crashed, would brighten up. Valentina and I jumped in the water and as we swam, we would light up. 

Today were off to Culebra, La Isla Chiquita. Culebra has one of the best beaches in the world called "Flamenco Beach" which I'm actually so excited for. 

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