Aug 6, 2013

Youth - Daughter

So I posted this a long time ago but it actually suits this day so perfectly. Today is a fucking good day. And I can say that because everything feels like it's changing and I feel like I haven't had this in way too long. I got a babysitting job. Got my errands and chores done. Seeing my best friend. Listening to great music. Everything is actually back to normal. So much opportunity ahead and I can finally see it all more clearly now. I will never forget a conversation that I had yesterday. It actually hit me like a brick wall. So grateful for everyone around me; I am surrounded by some fucking great people. 

  • Shiraz Biran
  • Anya Urcuyo
  • Lauren Gurland
  • Matteo Cangiano
  • Marco Mosca
Thanks for getting me through shit even when you don't realize you're doing it. <3>

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