Mar 10, 2013

"When I think of all the books still left for me to read, I am certain of further happiness." -Jules Renard

Last week, I got into my top college. A lot of people don't really know it's my top college because I don't want to jinx it and tell people that I'm going before I actually hear back from the rest of my colleges. I never know, I might go to an entirely different one. But the one thing that I do know is that just the act of getting in has instilled all this hope inside of me. The thrill of the future and imagining a whole new life has been the only thing on my mind these past days. I know it's crazy but I actually managed to do my homework even if I procrastinated a lot and I am looking for a new studio to record at...I'm just working, I guess. For a while there, I was really lost. I just needed an accomplishment; literally, anything. And thank god this happened last week because I don't think I could've gone one more day in the rut that I was in. Anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm ready to start hoping again and I'm ready to start preparing for all the big changes that are going to be coming my way pretty soon.

The future has actually managed to inspire my present. 

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