Dec 25, 2011
Peyton Sawyer:
Dec 21, 2011
Dec 13, 2011
And the scratches tint your palms
The blisters scrape your knuckles
Covered in the agony
of the labor
Your internals are tainted with gold
But you shine of bronze
To the world, the metals conflate
And you slightly glisten with a shade of brass
They say: "You're doomed to be a mere shadow"
"Of what?" you ask them
Of the sun.
You are a palimpsest
Unable to decide, rewritten over and over again
Broken and renewed
Holding onto the belief that
--you're the penny
That in time, heated by the warmth above
You will turn from bronze to silver
To gold
And the dulcet taste of hope shrivels
away until the sun bows down
furtively and slowly
until you can no longer see
from the hole
decorated with the headstone that's
engraved with the shadow of
your initials.
Silver or Lead
Bribes or death,
But you know that treachery may pull you back into the cave
So you choose death,
because your knuckles had already been
dripping with the blood of disbelief since
the departure of the womb.
Dec 4, 2011
The dream
The home location would probably be located somewhere near Soho, in New York City.
The venue would be indescribably huge. Labeled in huge red letters:
I'd have such a big company and so many people working for me.
I'd have a lot of free time and in that free time,
I'd spend it in a private studio;
As if music was my own language.
Nov 28, 2011
Nov 26, 2011
Nov 24, 2011
To my best friends: the three of you know who you are...thank you for being there, that's all. Through the changes I went're still here now and that's all that matters. Thank you for getting over all my mistakes towards you and for loving me nevertheless. Whatever we go through, I'll always come back to you three and I'll always be there for you.
To my girls: Frifri, Z, Meatball, Gueyeway, Cat, Vale, Anj, Diji, Clurr...I know I've only actually gotten to know you or grown a bit closer to some of you this year but I don't really care. I might be a bit closer to some of you than others but the eight of you are very important to me because I can honestly just be myself around you. It's nice to be around people whom I can trust and at the same time have the most fun I've ever had in my life, just laughing. No complications. It's amazing. Thank you for the laughter and for putting up with me.
To Joe and Marco whom I've known since I was 5-6 years old...I don't know how I'm still seeing you each day and everything is still so perfect and normal. Maybe at some points we drift but I can honestly say you guys are the only people I can look back at and truly reminisce. I love that feeling, knowing that I'm not a person that is completely unstable when it comes to friendships...switching every day. I have two stable friends that I've had for over 10 years and that's amazing.
And to you, you're miles away from me right now. Maybe we've grown a bit distant but I'm seeing you in four months and I'm so so so so sure that it'll all be back to normal. I miss you so much and you know that. No matter how cold I may act sometimes or how stupid, I love you so much and whenever I look back at us, I have the biggest smile on my face. Thank you.
Nov 20, 2011
How people can do this, I will never understand, just inhuman
I'm sick of how you treat me
And how you think you can get away with it
I'm tired of thinking of all the possible ways I could confront you about it
But I've been there
and done that and I can tell you right now,
that's tiring too.
Nov 10, 2011
Nov 5, 2011
Nov 3, 2011
Oct 20, 2011
Oct 15, 2011
Are you more like your mom or you dad? Why?
I have my dad's laid back side...maybe a bit lazy but hard working when we have a set goal. This has gotten me far with the things I've been aiming at.
However, when someone angers me or tries to mess with my family, my friends or me, I can be really fierce. That, I get from my mom. She stands up for what she believes in and she defends herself until the end.
Oct 12, 2011
Oct 1, 2011
Essay for Español :)
Sep 21, 2011
"There's No Place Like Home"
Anyways, this brings me back to my own subject. I love New York City, but for me there is honestly no place like MY home right now. However, people change, and I may evolve as I alter. In the future, New York City may be my own version of black and white, and I may yearn for it like Dorothy did simply because it's the only place I can honestly feel stability in. It may not be the best place for me, though.
Me: They say that people who love NYC tend to love Chicago.
Joe L: It's true.
Me: Maybe I'll go there one day to live.
Joe L: They're similar, but there's no place like New York City. No place at all.
Copying this from Frida's blog on to my blog because I love it
"There is always one person you love who becomes that definition. It usually happens retrospectively, but it happens eventually. This is the person who unknowingly sets the template for what you will always love about other people, even if some of these lovable qualities are self-destructive and unreasonable. The person who defines your understanding of love is not inherently different than anyone else, and they’re often just the person you happen to meet the first time you really, really, want to love someone. But that person still wins. They win, and you lose. Because for the rest of your life, they will control how you feel about everyone else."
Sep 18, 2011
Damn this quote is good
Sep 17, 2011
Sep 11, 2011
10 year commemoration
And then I think about it...if 3000+ people in NYC died on this precise date ten years ago, and this has affected us so, how are the people in Iraq feeling? How are those in Palestine? How is it that two buildings crashing down can destroy so many families? How is it that one of our machine guns can destroy almost as many families as were lost on September 11th, 2001? "Dear USA, your 9/11 is our 24/7. Sincerely, Palestine."
Sep 10, 2011
Three Epigrams made in English Class! (with Kiseok and Khadijah)
2. Work without character is tragedy.
3. A child's hypocrisy is not loving one's parents when we're all on a pursuit of a lifelong friend.
Sep 1, 2011
Aug 30, 2011
Isla Palma
Aug 23, 2011
Katharine McPhee - Terrified
Aug 15, 2011
Aug 14, 2011
Back in Florida, Miss you Bahamas

Not going to lie, this has to be one of the best vacations ever. The Bahamas. Where can I even start? Besides the fact that it was incredibly relaxing and all around enjoyable, it was also one of the most wild vacations. This is my third time at the Atlantis resort, but before I was too young to really have much liberty etc. This time, I didn't have the freaking walkie talkies to stay in contact with parents, nothing. My cousin and I just went around, went on rides, hung out at night and chilled. Met lots of people, hung out with my family a lot, danced tons and just straight up enjoyed myself without the trouble of anything in the world.
Bahamas 2011, amazing.
Aug 6, 2011
I always believed that this would be my permanent home, and that I would always be dragged back here but I guess I've learned today (because it just hit me) that although you believe you've reached your maximum self and have come to final decisions: people change. I will change. Things change. Not realizing that now will make you all the more prone to altering.
Aug 2, 2011

The full moon, well risen in a cloudless eastern sky, covered the high solitude with its light. We are not conscious of daylight as that which displaces darkness. Daylight, even when the sun is clear of clouds, seems to us simply the natural condition of the earth and air. When we think of the downs, we think of the downs in daylight, as with think of a rabbit with its fur on. Stubbs may have envisaged the skeleton inside the horse, but most of us do not: and we do not usually envisage the downs without daylight, even though the light is not a part of the down itself as the hide is part of the horse itself. We take daylight for granted. But moonlight is another matter. It is inconstant. The full moon wanes and returns again. Clouds may obscure it to an extent to which they cannot obscure daylight. Water is necessary to us, but a waterfall is not. Where it is to be found it is something extra, a beautiful ornament. We need daylight and to that extent it us utilitarian, but moonlight we do not need. When it comes, it serves no necessity. It transforms. It falls upon the banks and the grass, separating one long blade from another; turning a drift of brown, frosted leaves from a single heap to innumerable flashing fragments; or glimmering lengthways along wet twigs as though light itself were ductile.
-Richard Adams
Jul 28, 2011
Jul 25, 2011
Jul 24, 2011
College Essay Ideas(?)

Among the many thoughts that I have in my head right now, the most prominent one has to be the "College Essay." I know it is summer and I know that technically I shouldn't really be thinking about this until next summer. But I can't help it. One of my main ideas would be related to a certain image that I've come to love: a feather breaking off into four birds. Now what I'd like to talk about in my essay is the fact that something already delicate and beautiful can wander off and turn into something greater through exploration and freedom. It is ironic for the feather itself obviously comes from a bird. I definitely want to go into this topic more and pick out the irony and how I can link it to my own life. I'd probably link it to certain events in my life that have made me wander away from my past selves which I had previously thought to be to its highest potentials and have made me slowly become something better, though I am still improving every single day.
Another idea would definitely be more personal. Again, I'd be brought back to write about how my two cousins passed away in 2009 December and how that crushed me much more than it already had 6 months later when I found out that my father received a job in the same place they had been living. If he had gotten that job six months before that, I could've visited, I could've seen them a last time and I would not have taken my family for granted. That could definitely be a possible idea for a college essay.
Recently received a book with a bunch of motivational quotes, so maybe that'll serve as prompts.
vulnerable to the lowest degree.
Make sure to stand straight;
for the opportune will abuse thee.
Jul 22, 2011
Jul 14, 2011
fell in love all over again
third street music school whatup
next year will be phenomenalll
Jul 10, 2011

For my birthday this year,
my mom published my poems into a book called "A Penny for your Thoughts."
She sneakily translated them too so the book is bilingual.
The book was published in Mexico and is not like any normal book.
It is what they call an "object book."
Basically, it is in the shape of a can and on top there is a slot to put a coin in
to match the title "A Penny for your Thoughts."
The point is to make a wish by placing a coin in and THEN reading the poems.
I can't ask for a more beautiful present.
Paola Garces is a published author :)

Jul 8, 2011

Sanctuary: A Dance with the Meadow
and its brothers and sisters and mothers were so united to each other
that they multiplied into hundreds and thousands,
The green stretched for miles and I raced the breeze that slid across the
families of weeds that lay in front of me.
They smelled of beauty, so soft-
so delicate.
They laced around each other,
as I mimicked
twist and sway
from the hill above.
The occasional humming bird came and sucked at the droplets
that lay on the tips of the leaves and I'd chase it away,
Do not bother the life here.
As the sky would open up and pour its sweet tears out
onto the meadow, I'd sprint through it
feeling the slosh and the brown soil
Serenity filled me,
as I claimed this sanctuary of mine.
And I-
I was in harmony as a sister of the grass.
Jul 5, 2011
Jul 1, 2011
How to fit in in NYC (do not take this seriously)
You might not know who to hang out with when you arrive. You'll see people with the high wasted ripped jean shorts, the crop top, the vintage necklace and the combat boots; those are the hipsters. If you like to shop at Buffalo Exchange and other vintage boutiques, get to know them. I will tell you one thing; get used to neck cramps! Hipsters (most of them) carry huge nikon, olympus or canon cameras around their neck to capture every photo they find "artistic." For example, a pigeon pecking at a trash may suddenly look beautiful and I guarantee, the flash will go off. FInally, if you like to "smoke up," and flaunt your unreasonably priced pack of cigarettes, hipsters are the right group for you.
Now, if hipsters hate something more than anything in the world, it's the upper east side prep kids. These are the ones that you'll find strolling in Central Park for fun, or taking limos four blocks away just to get to Starbucks. You will walk past them and choke on their Ralph Lauren cologne and perfume and suddenly you'll just know, "Prep." If you're into surfing, please sit with the prep kids at lunch. And when you do, please come back and tell me where exactly they surf, because I guarantee there is nowhere in this city where you can. After a while, you'll either feel right at home with them. However, unless you own at least two Hampton's houses, or play lacrosse, good luck.
At the Trash and Vaudeville shop on St. Marks downtown, you'll find a lot of what we'd call; goth. This store is the center for the people who like the fully laced thigh high combat boots, the striped black and white tights, the corsets which they believe to be fashionable and the abnormal yet apparently stylish faerie wings. You might go up to them and say, "Hey, do you know where the coal black eye liner is?" They'll either stare at you and smirk or give you directions with the most complex and pessimistic words. At that point, you will either realize that this is not you're clique or you will suddenly feel as though Trash and Vaudeville is the place for you.
You'll be strolling down the street, or waiting on a corner to cross the road, when swoosh, some asshole bmx biker or skateboarder will literally slide only inches away from your toes. These guys are generally going towards Washington Square Park; the center for the "pot-heads" and the "crackies." You'll find that what most of them do is quite entertaining, such as painting and drawing. Certainly it's beautiful, but there's only one problem. It's on our building's walls, everywhere around the city. That's right, it's graffiti and it has their names all over it. You'll find that a lot of these guys are incredibly conceited, and basically pose for the ridiculous hipsters that come over with their fish eye lenses in order to post it on Facebook.
Sometimes you'll walk by teenagers with the boom boxes in their hands. Along with them, there will usually be a group of girls whom you will easily identify because of the big hoop earrings, the skin tight jeans and the tight shirt that tends to show off a little bit more of skin then the average person would prefer. These guys and girls will probably be fist pumping and shaking body parts that shouldn't be shaken to the music being blasted in public from these boxes.
The Big Apple is an ethnic pot. What you thought you knew from the movies isn't quite the same anymore, is it?
Jun 25, 2011
Subconsciously, all of mankind knows that something is malfunctioning in our world. Until we are proven otherwise through love or any type of emotion that brings out our honorable human traits, most of are lost in a threatening world of hunger. At the back of our heads, we realize that we are bitter and deep inside; we all want to experience love. We all want to trump evil and feel glorious through achievements without having to struggling and competing.
Many of us are blind. We stare up into the sky and we usually only see one star in that pitch-black sky. We are blind because we have been disappointed and unable to be proven that if that one star that we depended on were to be removed, we wouldn’t be lost. In mythology, it is predicted if Zeus’ lightning bolt were to be stolen, Poseidon would shake the seas, Tartarus’ grounds would explode with fury and Aphrodite would be left with no love or beauty. Without that bolt, or our own star, many of us would be lost. Desire, would be misplaced and only hunger would be left. That is why we depend on those who are able to stare up into the sky and realize that there is not only one star, but there are many, gleaming over us. They are the true leaders and the ones who prove us that mankind has someone to trust to lead them the way.
There are very many people left who are uncorrupted by hunger and untouched by greed. Yet, we let it be because without this feeling of corruption, we wouldn’t be looking for something better such as love. We are a race to be honored and disgraced. We are blind to beauty and some of us are infatuated with it. We feel everything and we are reluctant to giving into our emotions. We are malevolent, ravenous, adoring, affectionate…We are humanity.
Jun 24, 2011
without you.
Hence, this year and next year.
I'm just waiting for 2013 to come around so that maybe
I'll get a chance to see you again.
This isn't happening.
Jun 22, 2011
because you have incredibly interesting family stories
because i can talk to you every single day without getting uninterested
because of the way you speak about your mom
because of the way you kiss my forehead
because you live two blocks away and i can see you basically whenever
because you bring me home every night
because anna loves you more :)
because you hate it when i touch your cheeks
because you get frustrated with me easily
because of your patience
because of your street & book intelligence
because of your stories about the places you lived
because of the way you pick me up sometimes like a baby
because of your laugh
because of the way you make fun of me
because of your promises towards me
because of the way you help me study
because you remember details that i could've told you weeks before
because of the way you pull me back when i'm "mad" at you
because of june 23rd
because we never fight
because of the hope that you've sparked in me
Jun 10, 2011
Jun 8, 2011
Jun 5, 2011
Jun 4, 2011
Kevin Flynn: I know. I understand that now.
Clu: I took this system to it's maximum potential. I created the perfect system!
Kevin Flynn: The thing about perfection is that it's unknowable. It's impossible, but it's also right in front of us all the time.
Jun 2, 2011
May 30, 2011
May 28, 2011
Love these lyrics
And you say sorry like the angel
Heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid
May 18, 2011
encircled and full of experience.
The lotuses that captured you into unrealizable desperation
led you here, to this tree-
The relief that lifts you up into the home of those with wings.
With courtesy, they welcome you
for they've waited for you to pin yourself against the bark.
Gravity struggles against His strength and of nature's.
The final words that swipe against your lips
lift up with you into the clouds.
The expression that forms on your face makes you wonder whether it's time.
Yet the tree beckons you,
trying to close the circle of life that you've been running around for eras.
The sister and brother awake,
waking at the sight of your disappearance.
May 17, 2011
To get the tears running
To get the girl running
From the strain
A shade over two shoulder blades
To hide the craze
To hide the maze
That she's following
A braid made of two locks
One from the past
One from what she hopes will last
To renew the wishes that did not come true
A girl stuck in time
Broken from the torture
Hoping for once she'll be the scorcher
May 16, 2011
May 15, 2011
MADE MY DAY. (yes, i teared)
Three Songs to Listen to:
Puerto Rico and Colombia

There are many people that despise their countries. I, on the other hand, cannot come close to saying that about either of my parent's countries.
Adele - Someone Like You (Live in Her Home)
May 14, 2011
May 11, 2011
May 6, 2011
May 3, 2011
My Summer
Apr 30, 2011
Apr 28, 2011

If there is one thing in life that I have learned, it is to maintain motivation. Without motivation, there isn't much you can look forward too or move on from. Motivation is a state of mind, however. Whatever you desire must be accomplished through motivation and whatever you detest shouldn't get in your way. There are several points when you're a teenager when you feel as though you don't want to step forward from where you are standing. There were many points a few months ago where I felt like I was stuck and that I was not only stuck, but I was falling and getting sucked into a pile of quicksand. But motivation saw me through.
Apr 23, 2011
Thanks to them
Apr 11, 2011
Apr 6, 2011
Apr 5, 2011

Mar 28, 2011
Mar 23, 2011
She Dances
People look at her in awe.
She cuts through the stage, sliding her toes like blades against metal
The audience is her long lost friend and her enemy as well.
She thrashes her body and strangles the air with rapid fistful movements.
A chemical—A chemical her body has become,
Reacting to the lights and the floor with anger.
It’s not enough, it’s not enough—she believes.
So, she begins her strides again and with incomparable perfection,
She slashes the floorboards racing against whatever’s left to compete with.
Nothing’s enough; nothing’s enough—nothing.
Enough’s enough, but enough is nothing.
Suddenly, the beam’s on her, and the admiration overwhelms her ears.
The knives drop from her palms as she realizes that finally—
Finally, she dances.
Mar 21, 2011
Remember Me
Mar 17, 2011
Mar 14, 2011
and then the sky turned red

Mar 7, 2011
the sun's gone dim and the sky's turned black
Mar 5, 2011
Feb 27, 2011
Feb 17, 2011
Feb 16, 2011
Some Great Poems to Look Into
“The Heart” by Stephen Crane
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, “Is it good, friend?”
“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered;
“But I like it
Because it is bitter,
And because it is my heart.”
“Humanity, I love you” by E.E. Cummings
Humanity i love you
because you would rather black the boots of
success than enquire whose soul dangles from his
watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both
parties and because you
unflinchingly applaud all
songs containing the words country home and
mother when sung at the old howard
Humanity i love you because
when you're hard up you pawn your
intelligence to buy a drink and when
you're flush pride keeps
you from the pawn shops and
because you are continually committing
nuisances but more
especially in your own house
Humanity i love you because you
are perpetually putting the secret of
life in your pants and forgetting
it's there and sitting down
on it
and because you are
forever making poems in the lap
of death Humanity
i hate you
“Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.