Jun 22, 2011

because you don't have blonde hair or red hair ;)
because you have incredibly interesting family stories
because i can talk to you every single day without getting uninterested
because of the way you speak about your mom
because of the way you kiss my forehead
because you live two blocks away and i can see you basically whenever
because you bring me home every night
because anna loves you more :)
because you hate it when i touch your cheeks
because you get frustrated with me easily
because of your patience
because of your street & book intelligence
because of your stories about the places you lived
because of the way you pick me up sometimes like a baby
because of your laugh
because of the way you make fun of me
because of your promises towards me
because of the way you help me study
because you remember details that i could've told you weeks before
because of the way you pull me back when i'm "mad" at you
because of june 23rd
because we never fight
because of the hope that you've sparked in me

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