Jan 31, 2011

The accumulating snow in New York City is horribly uninspiring. Literally, you see clumps of brown and damaged white fluff on the streets. The only beautiful thing about it is seeing it from afar or from your window. Buildings are covered in white, giving off a sense of an angel like environment. Being able to travel to the country side of New York last week, I was awakened again by the true sincerity of snow. It falls every single day and is simply a daily aspect of the country. And for once, the cold didn't seem so bad. Falling back into piles of snow in the country became the new sitting on sidewalks living the bum life in the city. "Hey look, you can catch snowflakes on your tongue," said my friend. And for the next minutes or so, we savored the clean snowflakes, untouched by the materialistic air of the city. As much as I love the city I live in, the trip did prove to me that I could live in either or. I guess I could say that I'm extremely thankful for all the opportunities that I've gotten my whole entire life. It's proved that we do have choices.

Depth to Silence (wrote this a while back)

The key to peace
The key to your soothing
The key to your reluctance to break
The key to moving forward but not saying
You're home
You're here
"Here," consists of no change
But your perception is different to mine
My key is there
My key is war
My key is Einstein, Galileo, and God
My key is deeper than Tartarus
My key is limitless
I'm anywhere

Jan 28, 2011


Today is one of my best friend's birthday. He was there for mine last year. Even if it was seven days late, I saw him and he gave me a cupcake and we hung out. I've known him for about three years now. There's nothing secretive about Bradley Manton. He is a black and white, yet, a very transparent person. He'll show you his heart and never will you doubt it for he doesn't fail to make most people around him smile whether it's voluntarily or not. Brad has something that most people don't; consistency. Whether it's soccer, golf, love, friends...he'll keep track of them all and really put all his effort every single day into succeeding with each and every one of them.

I don't have any siblings, but like my mother says, "In this life, we must make our own family." Bradley has to be the one and only person in this world that really feels like a brother to me. Many people say this, but honestly, does your "brother" leave his friends to come running to you because you were crying? Mine does. Brad does. He would drop anything for anyone as long as they needed his help. He also has to be the one guy that I can really hang out a while with and not get bored. My mom pretty much adopted him so I can bring him to the house whenever I want to, as well. And literally, all we do...is go on facebook, talk, eat, and make fun of each other. So yeah, he's my brother. And a great one at that.

Today's one of my best friend's birthday. I'll watch Despicable Me and eat McDonalds just to commemorate the stuff we'd do together. He's miles away now and I can't give him a cupcake or give him a gift, like he gave me. But I can wish. And I hope that when he blows out his candles today, he'll wish to come back. But I know you're better off now, and although I miss you non stop, goodluck and you'll be great. We all need to know we're great, we all need to be reminded and you of all people deserve it. You are great Bradley Manton.

Jan 22, 2011

Gemini Vs. Cancer

The Zodiac almost changed for the whole of the world last week. I almost became a gemini, and in fact, secretly I think I would've wanted to stay a gemini. because what most people don't know about me is that my one and only wish is to stay in one place when i grow up. and that is...in the creative world. as a gemini, i could have two sides to myself. an academic one, but also a creative one...which would be more powerful.

Listen to Crush by Pendulum

Jan 17, 2011

Quentin Fields, a fictional character and perhaps a representation of all

Samantha Walker: Quentin Fields was a basketball player. He was also a son. A brother. Somebody's teammate. Somebody's friend. I never knew Quentin Fields and I guess now I never will. Did you ever wonder what it would be like if you weren't you anymore? If you were suddenly gone how would your world react? Whatever you imagined was wrong. There's nothing romantic about death. Grief is like the ocean: it's deep and dark and bigger than all of us. And pain is like a thief in the night. Quiet. Persistent. Unfair. Diminished by time and faith and love. I didn't know Quentin Fields but I'm jealous of him because I see how his absence has affected the people that did know him so I know that he did matter to them. And I know he was loved. People say Quentin Fields was a great basketball player. Graceful. Fluid. Inspiring. They say on a good night it almost seemed as though he could fly. And now he can.

Haley James Scott: When archaeologists uncover lost civilizations and they unearth these worlds that have long since been destroyed, you know what they find most often? They find stories: ancient languages, words, inscriptions from people who have been gone for thousands of years. Because chances are they, like you, they wanted to know, what's the point? And they wanted us to know that they were here, you know? They told their stories and they tried to make sense out of their lives and their worlds and their tragedies. So that's what we're gonna do. I want you to write something - anything at all - about Quentin Fields. If you knew him, write a favorite memory. If you didn't know him, write what you think the point is of all this for yourself and your life and your time here. This is a literature class, and that's what writers do. We put pen to paper in times of devastating tragedy, we just try to make sense of it. Maybe we'll find clarity in some of those words. Maybe we'll find peace.

There will be a day when you believe in fairy tales all over again. The world will come to its senses and puts its effort into every single human being who needs to re-discover. Until that day, we're all supposed to believe in magic and art because without it, where are we supposed to put all our emotions into and what are we supposed to hope for? The beauty of following ones passions is what matters most until there's a black hole sitting in front of us defining success. So screw the status quo and believe in fairy tales.

Jan 13, 2011

Shubz and Chubz

Just saying, this is a poorly written post. It is literally just written out of love, and does not lack anything, in my opinion, but eloquent vocabulary.

So I'm making my best friend a birthday present. And it's extremely hard to put in two years worth of love into a present. There are so many things that I want to tell her and so many things that I want to remind her of and so many ways that I want to tell her how much I really do love her. Shiraz has to be one of my only very close best friends. She also put much time and effort into the present that she made me for my past birthday so not only should I return the favor, I hope to top that one so she knows just how much she means to me. There are many different words that I could use to describe Shiraz, among them: innocent, wild, spontaneous, cautious, beautiful, kind-hearted, open-minded, elegant, driven, and simply the type of person that you'd want to approach and get to know. There are many things that I could give her. For example, I have already gotten her two rings. I could also give her a sweater, a cd, a dance outfit, or anything simple of the sort. However, there is much more depth necessary and needed to be put into the type of present you'd want to give a best friend. Never take your friends for granted, because in any instant, in any moment, somebody could be gone and out of your life forever. Happy Belated Birthday Shubs, I hope (when I finish it) that you will like your present. And I hope it represents the happiness and the sadness we experience together. I hope it describes how sisters are supposed to be. How best friends are supposed to be. How I hope we'll forever be.

I think my favorite moment, and probably yours too was the one time when we had a sleepover. And you were sleeping in the living room and I was sleeping in my head. However, being at my house so much, you are obviously accustomed to being around me all the time. So you came to my room and you didn't even knock on the door, you just opened it and looked at me. So I pulled the sheets up and I said, "I knew this would happen." We laughed and you said your "awww's" then we spooned (I know, who knew it was possible when this girl has such a big badonk). My next favorite moment was the day I got everybody on facebook to write Shubert on your wall. From then on, you became Shubs or Shubz (as Abdullah likes to call you). Then Abdullah also nicknamed me based on our fat relationship: Chubz. From then on, you and I became Shubz and Chubz.

I know both of us aren't completely great at being cheesy with one another, but without words, we get by with our actions. Your hugs are the best, Shubz. They make my day each time because there's no hesitation in it, it is literally just a giant hug shared between two small sisters. I love you so much and even if I'm still in the fucking U.S. for college and you're in Israel for the Army, I know we'll keep in touch. It's hard to look into the future for the day when we leave each other but one day we'll be rooming, on a farm, like we planned, spooning. :)

Jan 5, 2011

New Years Eve

Spent at home, relaxed with my two friends Crystal and Sarah. Thought it would be kinda boring. In fact at the beginning it was. Then the computer came out and the speakers and we blasted music until 3 AM. It was fun dancing with my two best friends, just having genuine conversations and eating shitty food and drinking unhealthy drinks. NYE '10.

What comes next? Interviews

"Do I wish I was doing better?
Yeah...but I'm not alone in that
A lot of people are struggling right now.
All I can do is keep trying, you know?
Get up, work hard, pay the bills, hope for something better.
I think there's nobility in that.
That woman or man that's waiting for the bus after a long days work.
Parents who come tired and still find time for their kids.
That's who I'm rooting for.
That's who I respect."

"I worry about what comes next, I know. I do.
I just... i just can't believe it's gone."

Jan 4, 2011

A Penny For Your Thoughts

If there was a possibility
For the sky to turn violet
Would you take it?
If Zeus could tear down his lightning bolt
And draw it into your hands
Would you hold it?
If a dime could take you riding
All around the world
Would you use it?
If, at your touch, a ripple through the pond
Could change your reflection
Would you let it?
If there was a chance that
your world would self destruct
it's yet to be found beauty
Would you stand and watch?

Jan 3, 2011

I wish Greek Mythology still existed because I'd unite myself to that religion. Greek Mythology includes both heros and creatures of all beautiful sorts. Greeks gave you the choice of not just one god but many to which you could pray to at any time. My favorite would probably be Poseidon because he's in control of the ocean, feeling the sway of the tide and having the power of water which controls every living being's life on this planet. My next favorite would probably be Hermes because he was a messenger god. He had cool ass wings on his feet and was at peace with everybody.

I wish I could travel back in time to a place where imagination and the seizing of existence in fact pushed those to live based on philosophy and hope. Where no Greek was afraid to live long enough to become a hero, one to look upon. Medusa is our reflection. She is our insecurities, she freezes us in the moment where we look upon ourselves through her million eyes. Greek Mythology really seizes to amaze me. The 21st century sucks.

Jan 2, 2011

One Tree Hill

Julian: Brooke?
Brooke: Yeah?
Julian: It's gonna be hard this thing between us. Being friends.
Brooke: Yeah it will be. But it's better than not being in each other's lives.