Jan 28, 2011


Today is one of my best friend's birthday. He was there for mine last year. Even if it was seven days late, I saw him and he gave me a cupcake and we hung out. I've known him for about three years now. There's nothing secretive about Bradley Manton. He is a black and white, yet, a very transparent person. He'll show you his heart and never will you doubt it for he doesn't fail to make most people around him smile whether it's voluntarily or not. Brad has something that most people don't; consistency. Whether it's soccer, golf, love, friends...he'll keep track of them all and really put all his effort every single day into succeeding with each and every one of them.

I don't have any siblings, but like my mother says, "In this life, we must make our own family." Bradley has to be the one and only person in this world that really feels like a brother to me. Many people say this, but honestly, does your "brother" leave his friends to come running to you because you were crying? Mine does. Brad does. He would drop anything for anyone as long as they needed his help. He also has to be the one guy that I can really hang out a while with and not get bored. My mom pretty much adopted him so I can bring him to the house whenever I want to, as well. And literally, all we do...is go on facebook, talk, eat, and make fun of each other. So yeah, he's my brother. And a great one at that.

Today's one of my best friend's birthday. I'll watch Despicable Me and eat McDonalds just to commemorate the stuff we'd do together. He's miles away now and I can't give him a cupcake or give him a gift, like he gave me. But I can wish. And I hope that when he blows out his candles today, he'll wish to come back. But I know you're better off now, and although I miss you non stop, goodluck and you'll be great. We all need to know we're great, we all need to be reminded and you of all people deserve it. You are great Bradley Manton.

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