Jan 31, 2011

The accumulating snow in New York City is horribly uninspiring. Literally, you see clumps of brown and damaged white fluff on the streets. The only beautiful thing about it is seeing it from afar or from your window. Buildings are covered in white, giving off a sense of an angel like environment. Being able to travel to the country side of New York last week, I was awakened again by the true sincerity of snow. It falls every single day and is simply a daily aspect of the country. And for once, the cold didn't seem so bad. Falling back into piles of snow in the country became the new sitting on sidewalks living the bum life in the city. "Hey look, you can catch snowflakes on your tongue," said my friend. And for the next minutes or so, we savored the clean snowflakes, untouched by the materialistic air of the city. As much as I love the city I live in, the trip did prove to me that I could live in either or. I guess I could say that I'm extremely thankful for all the opportunities that I've gotten my whole entire life. It's proved that we do have choices.

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