Sep 28, 2014

Put your dreams away for now
I won't see you for some time
I am lost in my mind
I get lost in my mind

Momma once told me
You're already home where you feel loved

Top 10 Happiest Countries In The World

Top 10 Happiest Countries In The World

Being by Yourself

So lately, I've been thinking about opening another blog purely about the ways that you can take care of yourself, how you can be happy. It wouldn't be an advice blog, or anything of the sorts. Simply a website that serves as a optimism booster in itself.

The reason why I came up with this idea is because during this last month or so, I've really been trying to take care of myself. I've been watching how I eat more, been trying out new clothes, recorded my first song for my EP, getting used to a new job, concentrating on school and making sure to stay in contact with everyone that I care about. What I've learned is that ultimately your happiness is in your hands. it's really you who has to decide that enough is enough and that it's time to really look out for yourself. It's a really empowering feeling. I'm always going to be able to look back at this period of my life and realize that I did something for myself and that I took care of myself before I reached a true breaking point. 19 is an awkward age because you are just coming out of the pampering years. It's an awkward age because although it may not seem like it, the real world is right around the corner. And we can taste it on the tip of our tongues. We know that a lot of the decisions we are making in these critical years may very well affect our lives for the long run. That's a lot of pressure but it's also ridiculously exhilarating. All I know is that there is no better time than this one to take care of yourself. I will continue to look out for what my body, my mind, my sanity needs. I vouch to commit to myself.

Sep 22, 2014

Put your energy into the world

Today something really incredible happened. For the last week I've been putting in as much as much trust and good energy into the world. My theory was that if I could manage to send all that energy out then maybe it would come back in another way. And it did. I feel happy. At peace with myself. It's a powerful feeling knowing that I did something for myself.

Sep 21, 2014

You always seem to sneak your way into my subconscious. It's an intense feeling having someone be a part of who you are. 

Rest In Peace

So something pretty fucked up happened two days ago to a kid from my high school. I didn't know him. I only knew of him. All I know is that right now it really seems as though the world is a fucked up and dark place. Watching a friend tear herself up about it was difficult just because there's nothing you can say to make it better. These kind of things happen every day and it's hard to realize that this will become a dynamic...people will leave us and we will have to force ourselves to move on. So I got to thinking. How do you move on with your life if that person IS part of it? What if that person is your life? Serious prayers go out to all the people that have to cope with someone leaving their life. You all have some serious strength.

Sep 20, 2014

Montreal So Far

  • Bike Rides
  • Soccer Games
  • Old Port
  • Wine Bars
  • Polaroids
  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Trip Planning
  • Late night talks
  • Balconies
  • Fountains
  • Walks
This year so far...I love it. 

Sep 19, 2014

i miss you

Sep 16, 2014

Nina Nesbitt - The Hardest Part

Might never be the right time and that's the hardest part of it

Sep 14, 2014

Sep 8, 2014

Love for UNIS

A lot of people keep asking me, "How do you hang out with the people from your high school in college?" It's pretty simple. My high school was special and some people just don't appreciate their high schools as much as I did. On top of that, I'm getting to know people. I didn't know many of them before. It's a good feeling knowing that these people have the same-ish background as me. We all have the same values, principles and open-mindedness. That's enough for me to respect them and want to be around them. So, next time you ask one of us that, try to keep in mind that many of us didn't know each other before. If you vibe with someone, you just do and there is really nothing else to it. There's no other way to explain it but I'll make it brief: Because of them, I will always have a little piece of home with me. 

Sep 6, 2014

Don't devote all your time to someone who doesn't want to devote any time to you.