Oct 26, 2012


"But I think it's when someone motivates you rather than inspires you
Someone who motivates you to get out of the bed in the morning
Someone who has you going all over the place to find something they need
Someone who will make you go out of your way to be with them
Someone who will make you do whatever it takes to make them happy
I don't know, there's no real definition for love. Everyone has to find their own.
It's different for everyone."

I was discussing this incredibly intense topic with someone and what I got out of their opinion was that love is something that challenges us and changes us in ways that we never thought would be relevant to ourselves before experiencing it. And yeah, I don't believe there's any strict definition of it. It's just an intensified feeling of happiness, in my opinion. And each individual feels it and gets to it in completely different ways. It's the most simple yet the most complex of emotions. It can't be put into words.


Oct 19, 2012

Daughter - "Love"

"It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace." 
-Chuck Palahniuk

I never really understand why it got harder and harder for me to remember the really great periods in my life. Have you ever realized how much more difficult it is to pinpoint the moment when you were happiest than it is to remember the darkest point of your life? I think you do always remember the value of that happiness, however. What stays with you forever is the quality of a person you were when you were happiest. You'll always remember certain precise moments and every happy moment will flush back. But it's so hard to compare which moment was happiest because happiness is something that is bunched together. There is no way to pinpoint exactly what makes you happy because a variety things make us happy. The amount of things that make us upset and angry is much more limited. 

I wish I could remember certain memories. Like Palahniuk says, I wish I could remember what those states of peace feel like. I really do think that that is what we strive for. We strive to reach those moments of harmony and remember what it's like all over again. 

City and Colour - Hope for Now

So confused, it's beyond me

 don't even know what to do anymore.
I wish I knew the answers.
I can't handle this.
Way too much.

I don't think I know the difference between right and wrong. I have absolutely no answers. I keep doing things that hurt people around me and hurt me. I kind of just would like to know what the right thing to do is. And my feelings are so torn, it's ridiculous. All I know is that I have a great support system (my friends). And, I know that at the end of the day, every decision I make will definitely be chosen with all of them in mind.

Oct 7, 2012

Kiseok Kim

If he ever saw this, I'm pretty sure I'd die. I think he'd probably smack me (not literally). And he'd probably die cause he'd probably get so embarrassed that he wouldn't know what to do with himself. Anyways, I don't think I've had a more loyal and great friend as Kiseok. Literally, I feel as though I can always depend on him for whatever. And he has this incredible balance of maturity and immaturity that matches up perfectly with my personality. Actually love you buddy. Like the brother I never had.

Oct 4, 2012


It's almost to good to be true. The way I feel right now was so unpredictable about a month ago. Literally, my heart and my body are so filled with happiness that I could explode. It's been multiple times already that I've mentioned of how much value I carry happiness out to be. Today is one of those days where my heart is palpitating so hard against the thinning cages of my chest that anyone could hear it from miles away.

Oct 3, 2012

Robot Necklace

So if you know me at all, you'd know that the most precious thing to me is my robot necklace. I literally never take it off. A lot of people think it looks silly because..well..it is just a little copper robot pendant on a chain. I don't know when my infatuation with it began but all I know is that one day my mom came home with it as a present for a reason that I don't remember. I would never take it off.

Today, I lost it. I should've known to take it off. I was in the middle of running when slowly I felt the chain slide down my neck and when I went to reach to grab it, the pendant was already gone. I searched and searched but I couldn't find it.

I never really thought about the value of the necklace. I never even thought about why I wore it. I just knew that it was my robot necklace that was forever engraved onto my neck. Then, upon losing it, I felt so upset that I had to question the value of it. A lot of the time I feel as though I lack consistency. Whether it's with school work, family life, sometimes even my friends, I always feel as though there is a bit of inconsistency. I had never taken a deep dependency on a human, an animal...let alone an object. The fact that I could wake up and know that I had no worry in the world as to where my robot necklace would be was, in the back of my mind, very reassuring.

I miss it.