Apr 30, 2014

End of First Year

So today I'm staying at my friend's apartment because I'm officially out of rez and my first year is over. It actually feels like I'm in a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. episode and it's kinda cool. We just ordered pizza, drank, hung out and just did nothing and it was actually everything that I had in mind for my exit from my first year at McGill. I think that the most important thing that I've learned from this year is that your support system is everything. Without a good support system, it's very hard to get through the new and hard things that come with progression. Canada is pretty different from back home. Everyone is kicked out of dorms after first year and you're forced to have the responsibility of your own apartment. It's pretty scary but it's also pretty amazing because although the responsibility seems freeing, you also have to understand that a certain seriousness in your character must come along with it. Anyways, the next year is going to be a giant change and it might be shocking but as long as my support system here is reliable then I think I can get through it.

So this is one of those thank you posts...

  • Dyana Saiful
  • Naomi Gutenburg
  • Justin Scharf
  • Shaad Khan
  • Natalia Ramirez
  • Rishav DevShah
You guys were amazing. Thank you so much. I love you guys. 

Apr 27, 2014


Apr 26, 2014

Dear Ruby,

I've been thinking about the future. Been thinking about the city and the streets and the people and the pure anonymity that there is there. I used to love it and now it seems like one of the most intimidating places on earth. Sometimes I think about houses in the suburbs and white picket fences and bike riding and the smell of fresh fields. I want to have a house there one day and I want to sit in quiet and in peace without a care for any of the bad shit in the world. I want my guitar and my notepad by my side; I want to just write and write for four months straight. I don't want to have to care for the busy-ness around me. I want to work at a small cafe and say hi to all the people that walk past me. For the first time in my life, I want something more. I want a change, a big one. I want something so powerfully happy that it takes over everything and makes up for all the bad that have come my way. I'm so scared. I'm meeting someone soon you know? He's going to be the best thing that has happened to me in 18 years. I never believed in God but I guess it's only appropriate to say that he's probably God's sent gift to me. I have all these overwhelming feelings inside of me and I think that if I displace all the positive ones onto him, I could honestly make that giant change in my life that I've been waiting for. All I know is that nobody seems to understanding why he is so important to me...how this might change me. I want to meet him just because he is the only person in my life who will know me for who I want to be and not for who I am or who the people around me are.

I don't really know where you've been but I do know I miss you. I wish I could pick up the phone and call you but I don't think I'd have the right words to say. I'm happy, really. I just want to be happy in my own way now. I don't want to live at the expense of myself.

I hope you're well.
I love you.
Miss you.


Apr 20, 2014

And I'll save ya when the sky falls
Can you hear the siren call?

Apr 18, 2014

And it's when you open your eyes and you realize there is endless opportunity somewhere else, that's when everything changes

Apr 15, 2014

15 days left here. Packing up my stuff and getting ready to go. Soooooo weird.....everything went by so quickly. And if it were up to me, I'd probably stay a little while longer because I feel so comfortable and happy in this very moment.

Apr 10, 2014

I swear nobody notices

Apr 9, 2014

Saint Raymond - As We Are Now

Gonna miss being at McGill so much

Apr 6, 2014


I don't wanna leave!!!
I'm gonna miss these guys so much

Apr 5, 2014

"I'm going to get my baby!!
And bring you back with me
And I will see you every day!
Unless you get sick of me one day but then you'll have to hide cuz I'll still want to be with you"

Apr 3, 2014

I really don't understand people
Please just learn what is considerate and what isn't

Apr 2, 2014

Dyana: I want to take a class about vibrations or something...you know...vibrations
Naomi: It's called physics.