Nov 30, 2013

"Bubbly" Music Video (Colbie Caillat Cover) by Paola Andrea and Ben Onaindia

Been waiting for this to come out for so long
So proud of Natalia Ramirez--you did an amazing job

Nov 26, 2013

Just so that I remember to read this myth again in the future

Myth of Demeter of Persephone

In the complex myth of Demeter and Persephone, there is a theme present: the relationship between life and death. Persephone causes despair for Demeter, her mother, after Hades takes her forcefully into the underworld to be his wife. This myth creates juxtaposition: the life (fertility) that comes out of the death of her childhood and relationship with her mother (losing her virginity).

            In Greek culture, when a girl becomes married and thus, loses her virginity, a metaphorical death occurs. This is the death of childhood. A main purpose of marriage in Greek culture is to keep the family line alive. In ancient times, childbirth often meant death. Therefore, along with the death of childhood or the “plucking” of the flower, marriage meant literal death. In this sense, life is usually a product of death.

Persephone, as portrayed in this myth, is connected to the cycles of earth. While Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter, as “ripener of bountiful harvests” (5) denies the blooming of seeds and crops—this is the phase of winter. Upon Persephone returning to the world of immortals, crops are once again restored to the mortals—she is thus the bringer of spring. Because of this cycle, it can be easily interpreted that not only is Persephone a representation of Greek women but she is also a representation of the life cycle. When coming back to earth, it is as if she a symbol of birth. When returning to Hades’ lair as his wife, she is mimicking the phase of death. The fact that Persephone’s heart is “warmed at the message” (336) that Hades tells Persephone demonstrates that Greeks perhaps do not view death as the worst of things.

            Furthermore, Demeter herself is a symbol of Greek beliefs. Greeks often had to accept that death was a common thing, especially amongst women who had to bear children. Demeter’s compliance to Persephone living in the underworld for one third of the year is in itself a reflection of the way that Greeks had to come to terms with death. Death is part of the life cycle and Demeter’s progression of acceptance of her daughter’s metaphorical death represents this.

         Demeter and Persephone’s myth is a perplexing myth that touches on the relationship between girls and mothers in ancient Greece, the life cycle and the acceptance of death. Therefore, this myth clearly depicts the relationship between life and death. 

Nov 17, 2013

What Now by Rihanna

Last night was amazing

Video coming out soon
SO proud of my friend Ben. He actually outdid himself. Came to the recording studio with me, played the guitar. Made something more out of the song that I could've never imagined or anticipated. I really didn't want to do a karaoke version and he actually made it ten times better. Great musician, great friend. Loving my time here. 

Nov 14, 2013

Best Party Cities

Oliver Window Holmes

"Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out."

Darkroom Vs. Recording Studio

So, around three or four years ago, I would've said that one of my favorite places to be in would be a darkroom. I wrote a post a while back about how much I loved it; you literally get to watch something transform itself in the most magical way. However, if you were to ask me today what my favorite place is it would have to be a recording studio. Usually, I'm pretty shy about performing or just singing in front of people. Sure, I'll mess around and sing casually around my friends and family but it'll never be to my highest potential. In the studio, I don't feel restricted at all. And now, in two days, I get to go with one of my really good friends and record.

What's so great about a recording studio? I don't know....I guess I feel comfortable in my own skin there. Performing for the acappella groups killed my passion for singing for a while but maybe it's because I'm not ready to sing for other people yet...I just need to sing for myself.

Nov 13, 2013

Going to a recording studio this saturday...
So excited....

Nov 12, 2013

It's not fair.
It's not fair.
It's not fair.
It's not fair.
It's not fair.
It's not fair.
It's not fair.
It's not fair.

Tori Kelly - Dear No One (Official Video)

Nov 4, 2013

Take all of your so-called problems
Better put 'em in "quotations"
"Today is our time
Days like these--lead to,
Nights like this--lead to,
Love like ours,
You light the spark in my bonfire heart.
People like us, we don't--
Need that much,
just someone starts--
starts the spark in our bonfire hearts."

Nov 3, 2013

Bonfire Heart-James Blunt

4 Years With This Blog

So, today marks the official date of my fourth year with this blog. On November 3rd, 2009, I opened it up. Really, it was just an attempt of getting my just-out-of-pre-teen thoughts out. I don't really know what I really saw this blog becoming but all I know is that it is one of the things that has remained constant and one of the things that I can look back and feel good about. I literally have written about every impacting person in my life in this blog, whether they are are still in it or not. I've recorded my photography phase in this blog, my poetry phase, my philosophical phase and many more. I've written about heart aches as well as the happiest moments of my lives. It is written proof of the hardest phase of my adolescence as well as the recovery phase of it. I've posted about songs, movies and places that I've fallen in love with. 

But most of all, I can look back at these four years and see an honest version of myself. I'll be able to look at this blog and see everything that made me passionate and hateful. I'll be able to read a post and truly flashback to the moments when I wrote them. And although blogs are a common thing for people to have, I feel as though my blog is a unique part of me. Over the years, I've grown more and more attached to it and this is seen through the increasing amount of posts over the years. I hope that this trend will keep going regardless of the busy times that I know I will encounter in the next few years. Regardless of what this blog turns into--whether I drop it or not in the future, I know that I had a great four years with it and that is really all that matters to me. 

To four more years. 

Nov 2, 2013


So, one of the things that I realized in these past couple of weeks is that responsibility isn't particularly about doing things all by yourself. Responsibility shouldn't have to correlate with independence at all. Actually, responsibility is accepting that sometimes you do need help and you do need support. I've decided that from here on out, all my choices will have to come down to ultimatums. I really don't know if I have room to wait around for things to change. I need to make these changes myself and stick to my decisions. Responsibility is truly just sacrificing some things in turns of others; others that will in the long run (hopefully) make huge impactful influences on your life.

Nov 1, 2013