Mar 30, 2013

I love living by myself. I really do. It's just a lot of peace to be able to hear your own thoughts. Even though it was like one day and one night, I actually just had an amazing 24 hours. Everything changes when you're living alone. Every piece of your home suddenly seems so much more precious. Because even if it's for 24 hours, you're in charge of it all. And everything in that home is yours. I don't know. It might be stressful, but I love that responsibility.

Mar 20, 2013


I am so head over heels for you.
Because of the bunny you gave me.
Because of our pong games.
Because you can completely engulf me in your hugs.
Because of breakfast for dinner.
You've got me wanting to write about you in this blog all the time. isndkekwnsnej

Mar 17, 2013

I wonder if I'll ever be able to see a pair of green eyes again and not be reminded of you.


I think that sometimes I need to be stronger in terms of like what I want out of my decisions and what I don't. A giant problem that I have is my pushiness and sometimes if something isn't meant to happen, then it just won't happen. And sometimes, as I have just realized, that pushiness is just a sign of insecurity.

Mar 13, 2013


I don't ask much of people.
But I really do look for is consistency.
If people could stick to one personality, that would be nice.
If people could stick to their promises, that would be nice too.

Mar 10, 2013

"When I think of all the books still left for me to read, I am certain of further happiness." -Jules Renard

Last week, I got into my top college. A lot of people don't really know it's my top college because I don't want to jinx it and tell people that I'm going before I actually hear back from the rest of my colleges. I never know, I might go to an entirely different one. But the one thing that I do know is that just the act of getting in has instilled all this hope inside of me. The thrill of the future and imagining a whole new life has been the only thing on my mind these past days. I know it's crazy but I actually managed to do my homework even if I procrastinated a lot and I am looking for a new studio to record at...I'm just working, I guess. For a while there, I was really lost. I just needed an accomplishment; literally, anything. And thank god this happened last week because I don't think I could've gone one more day in the rut that I was in. Anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm ready to start hoping again and I'm ready to start preparing for all the big changes that are going to be coming my way pretty soon.

The future has actually managed to inspire my present. 

Mar 6, 2013



Mar 5, 2013

Steve Angello

Is there anything you miss from when you were doing more scratch and break stuff or just growing your Stockholm parties?
You know what I miss? I miss normal. I remember just being excited to go and play at a regular club. And you're thinking "this is my night," and there may only be 250 or 300 people there. And there was no pressure. I kind of miss that it used to be playful. You could be creative, nobody judged you. Today, it's all judgment. You're never a prophet in your own city, but at the same time, when you grow up and become big, everyone says you're doing well.
But the second you get big, they tell you that you suck. I'm a firm believer in being positive and promoting what you love instead of dissing what you don't like. I said I'm a big Coldplay fan, and I told someone that and they said, "Yeah but they're so commercial now." Who cares? They still write great records -- the melodies are fantastic, the lyrics are great. It's the same with anything. Lady Gaga was really cool until she had her first No. 1 and now everyone thinks she's weird. I just miss the whole playful thing. And that's why I use a lot of aliases when I produce, because I can take the Steve Angello hat off and just play.

Swedish House Mafia Concert

So, last night I went to the Swedish House Mafia Concert with four friends: The Last Tour. When I was watching them, what I couldn't stop thinking about was the following: How can you be so great at something and want to let it go? I mean, honestly. They gave a great show. The saddest part is that they were incredibly into it and passionate about it. How can they be so willing to accept that this is one of their final shows? I don't really know what the reason is behind them breaking up or taking a hiatus is but I do know so I guess my opinion is a little bit naive. But what I do know is that if I had that talent and I had that much love for something then I would just not let it go. I've never been at a concert where I was on my feet the entire night willingly. Don't get me wrong, there were moments when I felt like I was going to collapse but to be frank, they really kept the energy going and they really made me want to stay up dancing. I really think that if they weren't so passionate about what they were doing up there, then people wouldn't have been on their feet the entire night.

The second thing that I kept thinking about is how much I want to be a part of the music world. I tend to deny it a lot but the other day, when I was talking about it with someone, I said something that I'd pretty much never really fully admitted to myself: It's what I want to do for the rest of my life. It's what I want to do for a  living. It's an almost impossible dream but I really do want to do music for a living. If I had the right resources and the right connections and perhaps the right amount of confidence in myself then maybe I would but right now I guess I just don't. All I know is that the best I can do for now is continue admiring people who do what they do because they love it like Swedish House Mafia.

Great money spent. Great night.