Aug 20, 2012

Bitterness (Rant)

When I was younger, I was involved in a lot of stupid petty pre-teen drama with girls, who to this day, I  still can't come to fully comprehend. And later on, I dealt with some pretty heavy and may I add completely avoidable and unnecessary boy drama. Even further, I then had to deal with some cousin family ridiculousness. I guess it's safe to say that I had enough reason to feel bitter and to have very little faith in relationships and friendships in general because at the time, about a year ago, I felt like I had pretty much failed at developing myself as a young adult.

However, if anything, this year has taught me to see past all issues and the see past the jaded, faded and just get past all the bitterness that is thrown at you. I think that at a certain point, we must deal with the cliché "forgive and forget" phrase. A lot of us find it easy to forgive because our mind, and even our body, find it almost impossible to stay angry and afraid for long periods of time. But is forgetting as easy? Forgetting goes completely against our natural wills. It basically begs us to not justify the pain we feel. It leads us to let go of all the unavenged occurrences that have come our way. Forgetting is a talent. And throughout this past year, I really and truly believe that I have almost mastered it. And it's done miracles for me mostly cause I realized that forgetting isn't really shutting the door on one chapter; it just means opening one for you to breathe better.

The mind is something powerful because although it exists in you, it can also function, if you will it to, externally as well. I think that in order for one to forget, one must accept in the mind that forgiveness triumphs bitterness. Not forgetting will always come down to a deep down melodramatic hole. So, I think that I can successfully say that the most important lesson that I've learned throughout the whole of high school is that at the end of the day, one must make decisions that not only are most logical and most reasonable but that also satisfy one's need for happiness. I truly don't believe that one can be happy if one has merely forgiven and not forgotten. Thus, I will try to keep living a life without bitterness and thank god that I've learnt this lesson before entering my final year of high school.

So, after reading anjali's blog, in her latest blog post, she speaks about the limbo state that she has been in when thinking about the last year of high school. I agree with her in the sense that everyone will speak their minds and basically just be who they want to be. I think that, for me, my senior year at high school and my development as an adult will be about letting go of everything that has gone wrong and looking at the upside (I know, cheesy) of every single thing because at the end of the day, bitterness only drags you down.

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