Aug 18, 2012

More Fear

I promised myself on new years that I would stop putting in effort with people who don't return it back. I think I just don't respect people who claim they care when they only check in your life every once in a while. It's is one thing to have a reason to be distant. But you can't call yourself close to a person if you don't know about the big stuff in their life. The ones who matter in the end are the ones that you made matter. I promised myself that the ones that I thought would count, I'd make the effort with. And those who didn't reciprocate it, well...basically...see you.

Recently, I've been thinking: "I'm not about to change that." But, I think that the scariest thing is when someone comes and shakes every philosophy that you have. The one who comes along and makes you become skeptical of what you were skeptical about in the first place...well yeah--that person is the one you're going to have to fear. I don't have time to be skeptical of myself. And now,

I'm scared.

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