Nov 28, 2011


The abnormal?
We spit at and judge as a dunce
We treat him like clay,
Trying to shape him
But he hardens when meeting with the air
And we can no longer mold him
So we throw him
We crack him
And he finds his shards
And rebuilds them

The abnormal?
We throw darts at
We are the aliens
For we wake up
And salute
And go to bed after prayers
We wake up
And salute
And go to bed after prayers
We wake up
And salute..
And go to…

And so we are the dunces
Frozen with envy in our palms. 

Nov 26, 2011

It's burning
right in the core of your very stomach-

And then the sky turned red.

Nov 24, 2011


Thanks to my parents whom have been the main influences in my life and have shaped me into who I am today. Maybe you guys aren't always perfect to other people but it's okay because I know I sure as hell am not. So to me, you guys are perfect. I know I'm miles away from you, Papa. But I know that you make a difference in me no matter how far away you are. To my mom, whom I'm always fighting with, I'm glad we went through this rough patch because I wouldn't be as grateful as I am right now for you. Both of you have sparked creativity in me and have always supported me in everything I've done.

To my best friends: the three of you know who you are...thank you for being there, that's all. Through the changes I went're still here now and that's all that matters. Thank you for getting over all my mistakes towards you and for loving me nevertheless. Whatever we go through, I'll always come back to you three and I'll always be there for you.

To my girls: Frifri, Z, Meatball, Gueyeway, Cat, Vale, Anj, Diji, Clurr...I know I've only actually gotten to know you or grown a bit closer to some of you this year but I don't really care. I might be a bit closer to some of you than others but the eight of you are very important to me because I can honestly just be myself around you. It's nice to be around people whom I can trust and at the same time have the most fun I've ever had in my life, just laughing. No complications. It's amazing. Thank you for the laughter and for putting up with me.

To Joe and Marco whom I've known since I was 5-6 years old...I don't know how I'm still seeing you each day and everything is still so perfect and normal. Maybe at some points we drift but I can honestly say you guys are the only people I can look back at and truly reminisce. I love that feeling, knowing that I'm not a person that is completely unstable when it comes to friendships...switching every day. I have two stable friends that I've had for over 10 years and that's amazing.

And to you, you're miles away from me right now. Maybe we've grown a bit distant but I'm seeing you in four months and I'm so so so so sure that it'll all be back to normal. I miss you so much and you know that. No matter how cold I may act sometimes or how stupid, I love you so much and whenever I look back at us, I have the biggest smile on my face. Thank you.

Nov 20, 2011

How people can do this, I will never understand, just inhuman,ny

Ellie Goulding 'Human"


I guess you could say I'm tired of the past hanging over me all the time
I'm sick of how you treat me
And how you think you can get away with it
I'm tired of thinking of all the possible ways I could confront you about it
But I've been there
and done that and I can tell you right now,
that's tiring too.

Nov 10, 2011

Excuses are bullshit

Nov 5, 2011

What is right and what's wrong?

Nov 3, 2011


I really am not an academic person. In fact, I'm not one at all. I love learning and I love getting great grades but I honestly don't like the work, I don't like having to memorize things etc. I am just not interested in sitting down every day and burying my face in books for about 3/4 the approximate 15 hours that I'm awake. Some people enjoy this. School work aids their self esteem and makes them feel entirely accomplished. That is just not me. When I get home the first thing I do is turn on music and draw or just read. By read, I mean I whip out my kindle and straight up read. My accomplishment is doing the kind of things I love. I've had to drop these kinds of things such as piano and dance all because the stress of school and other academic duties have made me so physically and mentally exhausted, that I don't even have time for my own hobbies. 

I don't think schools realize that the more homework and pressure they place on us, a decrease in our interest for education will occur. There has to be a balance. All kids love getting good grades and gaining knowledge about the world. We like to go out there and be able to have a nice conversation with adults or foreigners etc. and actually sound like we know a little something. So, us wanting to get education is not the issue. It's the fact that we all seek happiness and we're not getting it. And this stress and pressure does not let us reach that happiness. So what's the point in us working our asses off and carrying this burden called "school" every single day? We basically get nothing that actually aids us as humans. We simply move on to college and do this entire routine all over again for about 4, 5, 6, sometimes 10 years. 

Realistically the end, we'll realize that because the economy is so bad nowadays, this entire hassle was really not worth anything at all.