Dec 9, 2012


I don't know what it is about singing. I just kind of love it. It's the one thing that I like to keep as intimate as possible. I don't like flaunting it, I find a hard time doing it in public. It wasn't up until this year that I actually started singing for a few seconds in front of people. And then I sang in public for the first time like two months ago. Even if it was like four lines, it was a giant step for me. I'm not going to lie, it felt amazing. It felt empowering. And it felt like I was doing something just for the hell of it, just for me...for the first time ever.

Around two weeks ago, I went to a recording studio. It was just my dad, the producer, the microphone and I. Going up there and just doing what I wanted to do was an enriching feeling. It made me feel vulnerable and stripped down but in the most adrenaline-inducing sense. I recorded and recorded and recorded. I felt and heard the beats in every corner of my head.

I want to do this for the rest of my life. Whether it is for myself, or for the public, singing is what I want to do. I've never said this aloud. And I probably never will. But it helps that I'm writing this out because I need to make the promise to myself to not let this go. I've just realized what the point of this blog is. It's to keep every single moment and promise that I make to myself, alive. 

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