Jun 1, 2012

Graduation of 2012

So, yesterday I went to the graduation of the 2012 class (one more year till I graduate!!). The student speaker was someone that seemed so together as a person. She had developed two sides: her humorous one and her purely mature and sensitive one. One of the things that stood out to me in her speech was about success. (I recorded it on my camera)

"But, I do hope that these are some of the most important years of your life. These past four years have helped us become more mature. They have helped us decide who we are and helped us decide who we want to be. And as a result, we leave UNIS different, older, and wiser people then we once were. And if there is one thing UNIS has taught me, it is how to measure success. Success is not measured by how much money you have or how many cars you collect, or anything like that. There are some people in this world that have all those things and still wake up in the morning wondering if their lives are worth living. Success is when you wake up every day happy."

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