Sep 21, 2011

"There's No Place Like Home"

I was watching a show. And this woman in the show talks about how she once had a professor that spoke about the most hypocritical/horrible quote there was. And that was "there's no place like home" from the Wizard of Oz. The professor explained that if there was no place like home, how come Dorothy's home was in black and white? How come she wanted to go so badly to it when Oz was full of dancing tin men, happy lions etc. I thought this was an interesting theory because like our own world, Oz had it's mistakes. But how come Dorothy wanted to go so badly?

Anyways, this brings me back to my own subject. I love New York City, but for me there is honestly no place like MY home right now. However, people change, and I may evolve as I alter. In the future, New York City may be my own version of black and white, and I may yearn for it like Dorothy did simply because it's the only place I can honestly feel stability in. It may not be the best place for me, though.

Me: They say that people who love NYC tend to love Chicago.
Joe L: It's true.
Me: Maybe I'll go there one day to live.
Joe L: They're similar, but there's no place like New York City. No place at all.

Copying this from Frida's blog on to my blog because I love it

"There is always one person you love who becomes that definition. It usually happens retrospectively, but it happens eventually. This is the person who unknowingly sets the template for what you will always love about other people, even if some of these lovable qualities are self-destructive and unreasonable. The person who defines your understanding of love is not inherently different than anyone else, and they’re often just the person you happen to meet the first time you really, really, want to love someone. But that person still wins. They win, and you lose. Because for the rest of your life, they will control how you feel about everyone else."

Sep 18, 2011

Damn this quote is good

“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” ~ James D. Miles

Sep 17, 2011

"I've come up with a theory that all friendships never leave where they started off." -Crystal

Sep 11, 2011

It's frustrating knowing that you have a passion or a talent for something...and knowing you can do barely anything about it because it will probably get you...nowhere.

10 year commemoration

This morning I woke up and I turned on my T.V. in search of a good 9/11 documentary to watch. I came across this one of never seen footage. The most shocking thing was the speed in which the events happened that day. One moment the west tower was there, still symbolizing what used to be the World Trade Center. Not much was happening, smoke was just coming out of it and it seemed as though maybe there was a chance the fire could be put out and at least one tower would remain. In a matter of ten seconds, the entire tower ripped down into rubble, sending out a cloudy wave of dust which traveled as far as six blocks away from the core in each direction. When we count the amount of people that passed away that day, it comes to an astonishing amount of 3000+. But what about the people who were effected internally from the rubble? What about the people whom in one way or another also left us mentally? How many really died? 

The fact is, that no matter the amount of years that pass by, no NYC citizen or US citizen for that matter can really pull it together from that day. This is true because we commemorate this by having our moments of silence on each anniversary. The fact that on this same day we have a bomb threat announced in our city is shocking because the truth is, nobody has really recovered from 9/11. And now we have to face yet another threat? Nobody truly understands why the fuck it happened or who the fuck would decide to launch a plane into a building killing no only thousands of adults in the plane itself AND in the building, but children who were in the daycares etc. It's not reasonable. And now we have to face yet more fear.

And then I think about it...if 3000+ people in NYC died on this precise date ten years ago, and this has affected us so, how are the people in Iraq feeling? How are those in Palestine? How is it that two buildings crashing down can destroy so many families? How is it that one of our machine guns can destroy almost as many families as were lost on September 11th, 2001? "Dear USA, your 9/11 is our 24/7. Sincerely, Palestine." 

Sep 10, 2011

Three Epigrams made in English Class! (with Kiseok and Khadijah)

1. A woman's ugliness is the pursuit of youth. A gentleman's mistake is making a comedy of life.
2. Work without character is tragedy.
3. A child's hypocrisy is not loving one's parents when we're all on a pursuit of a lifelong friend.

Sep 1, 2011

Jamestown Story - Ashamed

Letters From The Sky - Civil Twilight

They say that good things take time
but really things happen in the blink of an eye.
The most important relationship in your life is the one with your parents. Friends come and go. Boyfriends and girlfriends do too. But if in one way or another those relationships are getting in the way with your primary one, something is going wrong. Lies come back and bite you in the ass. They trick you into thinking that because you got away with one, you can get away with the rest. The adrenaline from one is enough to sustain you and inclines you into producing another one. There's no point in messing up your relationship with your parents because at the end of the day, your mistakes and lies might affect other's lives...your lies may even disappoint your friends and disgust them. But, your parents love you regardless of those mistakes and that is hard to find in anyone else.