May 28, 2011

Love these lyrics

I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue
And you say sorry like the angel
Heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid

May 18, 2011


A tree with four holes on each of its poles-
encircled and full of experience.
The lotuses that captured you into unrealizable desperation
led you here, to this tree-
The relief that lifts you up into the home of those with wings.
With courtesy, they welcome you
for they've waited for you to pin yourself against the bark.
Gravity struggles against His strength and of nature's.
The final words that swipe against your lips
lift up with you into the clouds.
The expression that forms on your face makes you wonder whether it's time.
Yet the tree beckons you,
trying to close the circle of life that you've been running around for eras.
The sister and brother awake,
waking at the sight of your disappearance.

May 17, 2011


A punch in the wall, that's all it takes
To get the tears running
To get the girl running
From the strain

A shade over two shoulder blades
To hide the craze
To hide the maze
That she's following

A braid made of two locks
One from the past
One from what she hopes will last
To renew the wishes that did not come true

A girl stuck in time
Broken from the torture
Hoping for once she'll be the scorcher

May 16, 2011


this blog is more influenced by my artistic side, haven't written in it in a while though.

May 15, 2011

MADE MY DAY. (yes, i teared)

"well if i had to describe paola it would be hard. she isn't describable in words because well she can change. like we all can change but she isn't a constant at the same time as being
she is my first real best friend and that says a lot because i don't get to be friends with anyone easily
she is a great friend and she will have your back if need be
even to those who have hurt her
she knows how to distinguish the truth from the false
and she can keep her real friends real
she is creative and good at so much
aight i'm done"

Three Songs to Listen to:

1. Shattered by Trading Yesterday
2. Teenage Stars -
3. 25 to Life by Eminem

Puerto Rico and Colombia

There are many people that despise their countries. I, on the other hand, cannot come close to saying that about either of my parent's countries.

Puerto Rico is a paradise. It is a tiny country, with beaches everywhere you go. I have been to Puerto Rico so many times that when going there, all my mom and I do is rent a car, and literally just go to our favorite places. However, two years ago, I went to the most beautiful place I've ever been to in Puerto Rico and any other country as well. It is called Culebra. It is an even tinier island that pertains to the Puerto Rican country. I stayed in a homey-feeling hotel that didn't have wifi or computers. Being a city girl, at first, I believed it would be extremely hard. However, I had one of the best times of my life. We rented a jeep and drove around in less than an hour around the entire island. Finally, we found a secluded beach whose waters were clearer than anything you'll ever find. When touching the water, I did not feel an inch of fear or hesitation. The waters are unbelievable magic on that island, unless viewed or touched.

Colombia is threatening paradise. Being one of the most dangerous countries in the world, one cannot walk the streets without feeling as though there is a "shadow following," as my uncle puts it. However, Colombia's people is like one big family. Everyone is friendly and social, unlike what you'll find in America. Big families that colonized there, will always stay there and when going back, one will find traces of ancestors and will discover new cousins and distant relatives. Music is a big part of Colombia's culture. El tango, el merengue, la musica...te persigue.

The beauty of both: Home.

Adele - Someone Like You (Live in Her Home)

so much respect for this woman.
her music is pure simplicity and evidently shows her adoration
for life and for music.
i hope that when i grow older, i'll do some kind of side project with music.

May 14, 2011

i'm so inspired.
there's no other way to put it.
everyday, i put my head to it and get one step closer to my goals.
that's me this year.
and that's the way it should be. 

May 11, 2011

I can talk to you for hours on end

May 6, 2011

There are certain things you can't control. Some things are broken and you try and you try and you try to mend them but mostly, just to let you know, you're running around in circles. once you cross the line of disaster, there's not much you can do to take it all back. Every day I'll try to fix the little bit I can...even if I'm young and naïve. I know that tomorrow this will all be a lesson but I hope you know, that I tried. All I wish is to see those smiles again and I've always wished for that one day that changed the childish way that I perceived you two as, had never happened.

May 3, 2011

My Summer

This summer is going to be ridiculous (in the good way). Although at first it'll be hard getting accustomed to a very important change, I feel as though my plan of the summer will cheer me up a little bit.

Brown (Experimental Writing Course) - June 26th - July 9th.
F.I.T. (Intermediate Photography Class) - June 12th - July 26th.
Florida - August 8th.
Atlantis, Bahamas with the Family from Florida - August 10th to August 14th
Bogota, Colombia from Florida - August 16th.
Cartagena, Bogota! - August 22nd?
Back to New York City - September 2nd :(

This summer - so hyped...