May 12, 2016

Just some thoughts

A human thing that is really mind blowing to me:
We engage in defensiveness so much. But what's really crazy is looking back at an unhealthy point of your life and realizing how much you did to protect its existence. I don't know if that makes sense? But my mom was reminding me a couple days ago how much I used to defend this particular situation that was going on with me. And I realize now that when you are trying to stay sane and healthy, you'll do anything to see something with a more positive/defensive perspective. What else can we really do?

But now I ask myself this: How much of my life do I want to spend defending something that isn't healthy for me? How am I supposed to recognize that I'm in denial?
These are just thoughts...but it's just crazy to me how we can be our own worst enemies. We trick ourselves into thinking things and we're very adamant about blocking out truths.

May 8, 2016

'Chemicals' by Tenterhook - Burberry Acoustic

Something I never thought I'd find on Mother's Day

A Toast to All the Brave Kids who Broke Up with Their Toxic Moms

But there is time—so much time—after infancy for a mother to become the secure base that a child needs to cope with the world. With each phase of life, from childhood to adolescence to early adulthood, the bad mother gets a new chance at grace. Yet how often can a person endure the type of disappointment inflicted by a bad mother? Susan Griffin writes in the last line of her poem “Bad Mother”: “she drives with all her magic down a different route to darkness.”