Jun 27, 2014

"I don't want to live anymore"


Honestly the most impacting photo and caption that I've ever seen on HONY's page.

I shared the photo to my facebook and added the following quote:
"Be kind to everyone you meet because everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about."
And I'm serious. I've followed this all my life because my mom used to tell me this when I was very young. It's never okay to bully someone. It's never okay to make them feel like hell. You never know if YOU'LL be the reason to tip someone over the edge. Everyone has things going on. Everyone has a story and a past. And I think that it's really important to understand that even if you believe you're in the right, you don't know anyone's full story. 

I was reading the comments and one of them was particularly important. 

Mark O'Reily:  There's one thing depressed people despise more than their depression itself; the patronizing advice of people who have no idea how or why they feel the way they do.

The truth is nobody really understands what another person is going through. It is impossible to understand. Depression and sadness are not just things that you can only explain aloud. These things are felt inside. They have biological side effects and only the person who is experiencing it can really and completely understand what they are going through. 
So next time you feel as though you'd like to judge someone, or hate on them, or say something disrespectful...just take a second and think about what you're going through in your life. I bet the other person is going through something as well. 

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