May 31, 2014

  • I have a baby brother
  • I am way too happy right now
  • He is so little
  • His nose is so small
  • His yawns are so cute
  • I love this feeling so much

May 24, 2014

God damn. I'm so Montreal homesick right now.
I can't believe how much I miss it.

May 23, 2014

Love hard

May 19, 2014


So this is going to be a more personal post. I'm back home and it's different this time because now I'm here for four months. It's kind of weird coming back. Good weird, though. It's nice being back in my own element but the changes that have occurred are all so drastic. There are so many things that I've realized just by being here for the past two weeks. But honestly, the most important thing that I've realized is how much I've changed. My mind set...where I picture myself going. I think that the main differences in my life right now are the relationships that I have with the people around me. After being gone for so long, you really start to realize who is important to you and who isn't. And vice versa...people you once thought you were important to...that can change too. And I definitely feel those changes in my relationship, in my friendships and with my family members.

So starting with my relationship. Some people think that long distance is the worst thing that could happen to a couple. And in some ways, I think I'd agree. But I do attribute everything that I feel confident about in my relationship to the past 8 months. When you're so distant from a person, the way you speak to them, the way you care about them and the way you carry yourself all change. Long distance means training yourself not to miss someone as much, knowing when to pick up the phone and clarify something that could otherwise be misinterpreted through messages, and above all; learning how to be on your own. When you come back to reality after working on a relationship so hard for 8 months, it's hard for those things not to stick. And that can be bad sometimes, but otherwise I'd say it's been pretty good. 

Friendships. I think that the key to long lasting friendships is really trying to understanding what the other person's priorities are and respecting them. Things change over 8 months and friendships grow but individuals also grow outside of them. I still consider myself close to many people back home. But the few that I actually consider are in my circle of confidants are the ones that I've made an effort  with. What I mean by making an effort is really getting to know their new circles, and getting to know what their new life is all about. 

Family Members. This was the hardest change of them all. Anyone who is close to me knows that everything in my world at home has altered. The best way to cope with those changes is to just pay attention to the great things that come from those changes. And to be happy about them. I believe that I've crossed the part of adolescence where your parents stop being your parents and you realize that they are actually human beings too. They make mistakes, they have pasts and they are wise. And although sometimes it's easy for me to be caught up in making my friends my family as I have always done, it's also important to remember that my family has been with me through it all. 

So, this year has definitely been a year of changes. But I'm trying to look positively at them all. It's amazing to see how much other people change too and it's also so relieving being able to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Yes, we all may have our pasts. But if I changed this much in 8 months, then why shouldn't others too? 

Ultimately, if I were told to depict what I envision this summer to be, I would say that I am just looking forward to getting to know everyone all over again. And that is the most amazing way to spend a summer, if you ask me. 

May 10, 2014

Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it
Gotta get through it