Mar 12, 2014


So sometimes I wonder if I should be doing more with this blog; should I be writing as much as I used to? Should this be your traditional long-posted opinionated blog? Then I recall those few days in the past where I looked through it and found it interesting to see how I expressed how I was feeling in those particular moments. Many times, I've thought about opening up a diary. It wasn't up until today that I realized that this is sort of like my moderation of course! And I love being able to come to this and write whatever is on my mind or post about whatever I find interesting in the moment. It's also nice to know that I've stayed consistent with it over all these years. A lot of people don't really understand the relief of just writing. But this blog is the one thing that I don't really look back on or regret. And that's the power of writing. I just write and write and write about whatever because it is therapeutic in itself. Sometimes I think about how much I used to write before--whether it was poetry or just giant notes with all my thoughts scrambled on every corner of the page. And yes, at times I miss all the inspiration and motivation that I had to put pen and poetic thoughts onto a piece of paper. But I guess that I've channeled that passion into other things that I do. Taking up psychology has been a great way for me to rearrange and understand my thoughts. Writing songs, even if I don't particularly look back on them, is my way of spilling my vulnerable side. And this blog, no matter how unorganized and random it may seem has kept my creative side alive. I hope I keep it for a long time because it sure will be interesting to look back on it in say 10 years and read all about my years in high school and college. These years are full of firsts, ends, experiences, heart-aches...I'd like to remember all of that no matter how many wounds they may open in the future. I'd like to keep this young and untouched side of myself alive. And who knows, maybe one day, when I've felt like I've lost a part of myself, I'll be able to look back on this and remember. So yeah, I might've started this post talking about whether I should be doing more with this blog. Maybe right now I may not be doing much...but with time, I feel like that opinion will change.

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