Mar 6, 2014


I'm happy
Like really happy
Because for the first time
I feel so free
I feel like I have the control over my complicated situations
I feel like I have so many options available 
There are a handful of new things left to enjoy
I want to keep breathing like this
I want to keep being engulfed in all this energy
And it's been a while since I've felt 
Like I can be okay being by myself
And I can hear my thoughts again
This past week and a half has been so revealing
I can do this 
Maybe I can get through anything, really
It's okay to let go of some things
Just to make space for others
It's okay to give time to choices
To gain a clear mind
But most of all
I feel so grateful that I'm meeting you soon
Because you don't know it yet, 
But you've restored my faith is so many things
All those simple things
I'm just so happy

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