Feb 24, 2014

The Best Night I've Had in A Long Time

So two nights ago, 8 of us spent the night at Natalia's grandparents' apartment just 25 minutes outside of Montreal. It was in the middle of nowhere: Nuns Island. And it was actually perfect. It was a huge apartment, big enough for all of us to be perfectly comfortable. It had a huge balcony and a giant octagon pool. And, I couldn't have asked for a better night. I guess I needed it because I've been struggling for a while. It's good to admit that to yourself, I've found. It's okay to know when you're just not doing so well. It seems like all the odds are against me right now and it's really difficult to see past this bad period at times. But I guess I'm surrounded by a lot of people that have had to get past a million obstacles and that's enough motivation! So yeah, this night was amazing for me simply because it took my mind off everything that I've had to deal with lately. And it showed me that it is possible to see past all the bad stuff. It doesn't have to swallow you whole and it certainly doesn't have to consume you. So I guess, thank you Natalia. You made this weekend live-able.

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