Aug 29, 2012

Dear ItDoesn'tMatterWhoYouAre,

I want you to know that you pretty much saved me out of a really dark abyss that I had wandered into. You'll never know that you did this for me and nobody will ever understand how or why. The point is that two years ago, you pulled me out of a horrible place by simply teaching everything you embody. The fact that you are shameless when it comes to throwing yourself out there based on pure instinct amazes me every single day. And, I think that although instinct is something that is so basic and alluring, instinct is also a path that, in some cases, causes a lot of regret.. But, even further, you taught me that those regrets are not something to be ashamed of. They are something to grow from, they are something to live with and they are what make you. So, thank doesn't matter who you are. What matters is that I know and appreciate what you've done.

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