Nov 15, 2010

"When it gets cold, and it feels like the end. There's no place to go? You know I won't give in."
today, i talked to one of my closest friends. i'm actually so surprised because she'd the type of person who keeps so many things bottled up inside of her. it was a relief when she opened up to me because i had thought that side of her was gone when it came to me. i thought about what she said and the one thing that i noticed was that many people feel very lost. about a month ago i was so angry about everything because i thought i was losing the people that were the key ones in my life. i noticed that she felt the same way and the only thing i could think about was this song and the quote that i've posted on top. i've taught myself that it's okay to rely on just me. however, the person that i learned this from is one of the ones that i feel like i've lost. therefore, there's a part of me that feels rather empty. it surprised me mostly that she was trying to explain this to me and thought that i didn't understand but i truly did. it makes me wonder how many people feel like this. i love her so much and i hope she feels so much better soon. but for now i can't do much, i can only be there and help her through and keep telling her..."if today isn't good, tomorrow will always be better."

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