Nov 26, 2010

My Girls-My Best Friends

Sarah: You're beautiful inside and out. You have so much good in you and it pains me to see that not many people understand most of the things that you're going through. I don't even understand sometimes but that's okay as long as you're not lost. I love you so much and I'm glad we've stuck by each other even if we've gotten distant in one way or another in the past.

Shiraz: I guess I could say you picked me up from the ground and lifted me up. You're basically the person that keeps me up to speed with who I really am. The true talent you've got is that you know how to keep people confident of themselves. Without you I truly don't know who I could've become.

Crystal: You're the one person who I can laugh for hours and hours on end with. But on the contrary to that, we both know when the switch has to turn off and have a serious talk. I can go to you about everything and anything without getting judged and hopefully, you can do the same. I feel like I don't always get to express this to you but I hope you know I'm here for you whenever you need it.

Claire: I can relate myself to you more than anyone I know. I never guessed that we'd become close like we've become now. I can honestly say that you're one of my best friends now. Whether we're dancing and being wild :) or just talking for hours about the stupidest and most pathetic things, you put a smile on my face.

Frida: We have our stages where we barely talk sadly and then there's times where all we do is enjoy each other's company. Unlike many people I surround myself with, our relationship is very effortless and smooth. I hope nobody ever tries to push you down, which unfortunately, throughout our lives, many do. But, if this were to ever happen, I hope you remember how truly great of a person you are.

Anya: We had a date over the summer and due to different friends, we don't get to hang out as much but when we do, there's so much to talk about. I love when we have our phone calls and just talk about boys and life as a whole. We have a lot of things in common and due to this I feel like I could open up to you so much more than I already do.

Camila: I love being with you. We're in seperate grades and sometimes it feels as though there should be a gap, but surprisingly, we're both just as immature as each other. I'm going to miss you so much for the rest of high school but I hope we keep in touch because I consider you one of my best friends. Your confidence and intelligence stun me giving me more than enough reason to completely and utterly admire you.

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